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  1. Version5 beta 7 will try unsync the show and see what happens i,ll keep you updated the synchronise slides to music box was unticked in the project options - main is this any help ??
  2. Hiya i,m having problems when burning a slideshow to vcd using ulead videostudio 7 when i view the finished vcd on my dvd player the picture pops up for a moment before the transition and then appears again after the transition this is only on the page turning transition (from bottom right corner) as i,ve only used this transition and fade(no problem) am i doing something wrong ?? i,ve checked in the time line view and theres no overlaps between any of the photo,s at the moment i,m trying it in dvd builder and it looks like i,m having the same problem there as well
  3. Thanks once again to everybody for their help THANK YOU
  4. i know that there is a page turning transition from either top left bottom left etc is anybody able to tell me a way of getting a page turning transition thats like a book and turns over at the middle as i would like to do this so it looks like you,d be turning over the pages in an album
  5. A big thank you to everybody who posted replies and have helped me to get my panning and zooming sorted THANK YOU ALL
  6. I have just updated to the latest version of p2exe and i am having serious problems trying to work out how to pan and zoom can anybody help out PLEASE.
  7. looks good can we zoom out as well ??
  8. am i the only person using p2exe thats wondering if there is actually a version 5 or is it all a conspiracy to keep us using p2exe instead of using another program
  9. A Big THANK YOU to JEAN-CLAUDE that little program (syp) did the trick
  10. as suggested use AUDACITY to make one long track when you,ve set this track as your music click on the TIMELINE box and then the WAVEFORM box and then you can set your slides to display at any moment you want just checked it out you don,t need to make a long track as you can add multiple tracks to your slideshow in the PROJECT OPTIONS box MUSIC tab also you arrange the order you want them in using the UP/DOWN buttons once you,ve highlighted the particular track. I Don,t think that you can edit the tracks in Waveform though.
  11. is it possible after i have saved several projects to open them at the same time and make a continual exe, for example i have a set of pictures that i,ve sorted and set to music and saved them as several p2e files and if possible i want to join them together to make a longer exe show.
  12. i live and learn as i d id,nt realise i could open slides straight into photoshop
  13. your problem could be that whichever program you,re using for making the avi is changing the file size to something like 800 + 600 it might be worth checking to see if you can set your image size before burning try this after clicking on the VIDEO button check the create custom video file and set the file size higher ie width / height to the same size as your pictures
  14. i would rotate your images to which ever way you want them in a third party photo editor(photoshop etc) before putting them into the slideshow
  15. following yesterdays posting a quick follow up to say i got my registration at approx 6pm last night and the program is now doing as it says on the box
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