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Everything posted by BBorges

  1. Need some help! I just realized my recent update Version 6.5.7 has the following status under HELP > ABOUT: Licensed to: BB (Deluxe Version) Standard Features: Free Lifetime upgrades Deluxe features: not available Maybe thats the reason I am getting a banner on my videos! I went to help file to figure out what was going on and page 8 of the PDF states that for previous users, you could have the VB for two years. Does that mean I need another key? I uploaded this version 6.5.7 and used my key (version 2.2 or 2.4) and it does not automatically gives me the VB option. Whats the procedure? Thanks, BB
  2. So 1920x1080 it is! This resolution is already a great improv in terms of file size, so I am happy with it! Thanks for the replies! BB
  3. Hi guys, I would like to try the video output feature for the first time but I have a very basic question: what is the ideal pixel quantity for each video quality? For instance, if I plan on using HD720, is 720 pixel enough? I have my photos on LR catalogs and shot at 14MP (4288 x 2848) and these files are huge, and I can easily export them at 720 pixel. Would the result be the same? Is this a good idea or am I missing something important? Is there any good guides explaining how to prepare photos and what is the ideal resolution for each video type? Thanks in advance, BB
  4. Hi TheDom, I think i'll pass on the complicated add-ons for now, but I am still interested on the COUNTDOWN effect. How easy it is to insert this particular one to a slideshow? I knew the basics of PTE 2.4 but that was a while ago.. and I'm pratically starting from zero again.. and need all done by sunday! Thanks mate!
  5. Hi Peter, Very sane recommendation! You are right, I have to first get at least my slideshow created before attempting something fancy... But I still think at least the COUNTDOWN add-on could be a nice feature for the slideshow...
  6. DaveG, I am confused a bit: should I resize them to around 1024 x 768 or not?! Right now the jpgs were exports from RAW @ 100% quality, so they are 4 MB each photo... but yeah, you are correct, if I reduce canvas to around 1024x768 they will be around 500kb... Is this good practice, as to unload PTE (or windows virtual memory) ?? Or PTE will resize them for me automatically? I am not clear how PTE will handle a 10MP image when it needs to output at 1MP. Thanks!
  7. hello guys! I am probably one of the oldest members here.. he he he.. bought release 2 a LONG LONG time ago.... did a few PTE but was never really an expert. Now after years, I am back here! I have this presentation sunday and I am trying to do PTE instead of Powerpoint (yuuuck) so I need some help!! This time will be rolling on a projector, NEC LT155: Native: 1024x768 Pixels Maximum: 1600x1200 Pixels Do I have to do anything (settings) at PTE to match my projector? If so, what? I am planning on displaying at a 8'x8' screen, slightly smaller though. My original pictures are at approx 10MB... can I reduce them down to approx 1600 x 1200 ? Required? Recommended? Better? Make it faster? Also, this new 5.5 version seems to be pretty cool... are these add-ons recommended by you guys and QUICK TO LEARN how to use them? http://www.thedom.fr/shop/index.php?do=cat...es&i=camera http://www.thedom.fr/shop/index.php?do=cat...amp;i=countdown http://www.thedom.fr/shop/index.php?do=cat...vie_text_effect I am sure i'll have more questions down the road, but thanks in advance!!! BB
  8. I downloaded and watched... He has sationary text in it... but i was looking for something else. I really thought it was something simple and easy to do. I guess not. Or maybe I am not explaining what I was hoping for in details. Let's reverse engineer the problem: I use(d) the Windows Marquee screensaver: black background with any sentence rolling on the screen (i chose font size, color and speed). Great. Or perhaps not so great because of the black background. So I bought P2Exe to have the SAME screensaver BUT with MY PICTURES in a slideshow as the text rolls. Is that clear now? It is like a "way better" version of the Windows Marquee screensaver. Having that in mind, will P2Exe 5.0 be able to deliver this?? If so, when is the release coming out??!! Thanks guys!
  9. Hi guys, hope holiday season was good for everyone, I bought P2Exe to create screensavers with my pictures AND to have sentences (text) rolling CONTINUOSLY as the Windows Marquee screesaver. I couldnt find this option or any tricks on how to do it. I dont think I am asking too much (hell, the program can play music while showing the photos, so why not just roll texts as well) so I figure thats something easy to do but i cant find the right tool. Can someone guide me here? Thanks in advance! BB
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