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Everything posted by georgehomer

  1. Bob Follow the alternate set of instructions from Igor. When you double click on the unpacked file key you will find that Windows is blocking the file, follow their instruction for unblocking then double click. It works.
  2. I too am Having this difficulty, see e-mail to WnSoft below Unfortunately I do not have any text editors other than MS Word and WordPad and neither save in pte.txt format. I received your original e-mail, together with attachments and have saved the attachments in MS Word. The problem arises when I follow your instructions to register your program (Press - Help | Registration... | Load Key and then select saved file." ). The attachments show the menu that I get after doing this. There is nowhere to load the key. In addition when I press (Help/About pictures to exe) it shows that the Standard edition is licensed to me.See attachments. Can you suggest an alternative way. Sorry to be such a nuisance. Regards George Homer
  3. My admiration knows no bounds for you guys. Excellent

  4. Thanks Ken. Downloaded Swiff Player, works straight away.
  5. Hi Lin, Am very interested in this tutorial and have downloaded same. Problem is when I open up the Flash Movie I get sound but no images. Advice please. Best regards
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