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  1. i am trying to make a slideshow of pictures from my son's first year of photo sessions and i want to use different songs for each session...one song for his newborn pictures, another song for his 3 month pictures and so on. i know how to add all of the songs to the slideshow but i don't know how to synch each song with only the certain set of images and then transition to the next song when the next set of images comes up. am i making any sense? i have inserted black screens with text in between the last picture of one session and the first picture of the next session to kind of seperate them and i would like the music to end on the last picture of on session and the new song to start on the black screen of the next session. i feel like i'm being repetitve but i'm not sure if i'm explaining what i want to do! any help would be greatly appreciated!! thanks
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