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Everything posted by JMilne

  1. Thank you very much. And Thank you both for your input and responses. I believe Hawk that you spotted the problem. I did indeed have #91 "Show Image" box unchecked. Corrected MY error and both Preview and the EXE display #91 properly. Since each new version I installed used the old version's settings, I did not think to look for something I had done in an earlier version. Sure enough, the box was blank. I appologize for my lack of grey matter since this was somthing I should have caught and not wasted the time or forum space. I appreciate both of you providing excellent support. Jim
  2. No time interval set - I use the default settings created when each version was installed. I have a mix of 2 sizes but mostly of the larger size: 1984 x 1488 with a file size of +- 700kb 1712 x 1368 with a file size of +- 1,800kb (figures are correct - 2 different cameras with one shooting in a higher resolution. All photos/files are JPG Yes, I just verified it and both the Preview mode and the EXE do not display the 91st file. The last 5 files are 1984...resolution with 15 or so files before that of the 1712... resolution. PTE displays the thumbnail of #91 in both the upper and lower window so I know it is there. I am running an Intel 933 Mhz Coppermine processor and Windows XP Pro
  3. I have a folder containing 91 photos. I created a slide show using all defaults except that the transition box is set to fade in/out. No other transitions. When the show reaches slide #90 which displays properly, it then fades to black and #91 does not get displayed. I thought this might be a bug in 3.75 so I updated to 4.44 - Same result. Then I updated to 4.45 - again the same result. No music, no frills - just plain vanilla slideshow. Is there something I am missing or is it a bug. Jim
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