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Everything posted by Sterling
Hi Igor, It’s been a while since I last wrote to the forum, but I have been steadily using PTE on a regular basis. I want to thank you for all the hard work you are doing on the program. It is fantastic!! And it has come a long way since version 2 where I started. I do however have some suggestions for the next release(s). The ability to add multiple lines of Comments to each slide/photo; at least two lines with different font sizes: Title and Sub-Title. And moreover have the option of having comments at the top and at the bottom. This may already be an option but if not in addition to playing background music, it would be nice to have the ability to have voice narration either for the entire presentation or per slide. If the choice is for the entire presentation can we have the ability to customize the synchronization as with music? In the Object Editor it would be nice to have the ability to add movable graphics or animated gifs to a slide or the ability to add moveable background as in a DVD menu. This one is an interface change. Since the Video Option is another way of out-putting your presentation, I would suggest removing the button from the main interface and making it a menu option like the rest i.e. Create Slideshow, Create Screen Saver, or better yet create a menu option that displays a dialog with tabs, (as with the project options) and add the different formats with options to it. This way you will have room for future options. And at the rate that PTE is growing, pretty soon you will be creating outputs in many more formats This one is also an interface change/suggestion. Create another menu option and called it Tools or something similar and move the Advance Options/Preferences… and Language menu options to the newly created menu. This way you will have the ability to add more real estate for customization/user preferences in the future. And furthermore, the Advance Options and Language will be better emphasized and less confusing if it was under its own menu. Keep up the good work. I really love the product and have many times introduced it to a lot of my photographical colleagues
Ignor, In the next version of PTE, how hard would it be to add the actions "Run Application before Show, " and "Run Application After Show?" This will allow the creators to add an introduction and conclusion at the beginning and end of a presentation.
What is your e-mail address.
The color of my background is RGB 170, 170, 255. The name of my presentation is Aspen and the name of my AVI is Aspen.avi. The Exit video is MyPromo.avi. My e-mail address is spoteat@austin.rr.com
Thanks for your responses. 1. set the color of the background. What's wrong with black ? PTE not shown yet and there is no need to math the two. My slideshow has a sky-blue background with a royal-blue border. I would like to do all my customizations in one program instead of jumping back and forth to create one multi-media presentation. 2. run the AVI in full screen or window mode. Done. Is there an interface for this or is this still two separate utilties? 3. set the duration of the AVI after it is done or wait for the PTE to load. Done. Where will find it this? On your site? 4. set what PTE to run after the introduction. The tool runs "Presentation.exe" so just rename your show and finished. And if you are thinking of using more than one on a CD, just put them in separate folders. So this mission is not needed. As I mention, the name of the icon and the icon itself says alot about the presentation. I would like to keep the name. Will it be possible to pick the name of the presentation to run after the intro duction. 5. run an AVI at the end of slideshow as an exit Can be done. It's same tool but without the order to run PTE. So this should be a second exe.
Ok this is becoming more complicated by the replies. Boxig, I truly appreciate all you have done. I was initially suggesting new features for PTE. I would have love to stay with one "exe" file and set options on it; at a minimum two "exe"s with custom options on both. But since you have done a great job with the utility, I would like to offer my preferences. I think that the user/creator should set the color of the background (as in PTE). I think that the user/creator should set weather to run the AVI in full screen or set the window mode (as in PTE). I think that the user/creator should set the duration of the AVI after it is done i.e. last frame, pause for a time period, or wait for the PTE to load. Since this is a separate "exe," I thinK that the user/creator should be able to set what PTE he/she wants to run after the introduction. Ia ther any possiblity using the utility to run an AVI at the end of my slideshow as an exit?
[Frank, Please try my utility and If it works for you post your remarks and request for size at the topic named "boxig's video utility". If more members ask for bigger size I'll change the file at http://beechbrook.com/pte/ and if not, I'll make one for you. Granot ] Thanks Boxig for writing this utility. I see that I was not the only person who was thinking of something like this. I glad that I posted the initial question. I have recently downloaded the utility and added it to my slideshow. I do however have some questions. My avi file is fullscreen (975 x 600). Is there a way I can continue to run it full screen? Will you be adding a interface so that If I wanted to run in a cetain size window I could change the properties? Will there be features to change the duration of the avi file? I noticed that my avi file did not complete before running my slideshow. I read an earlier message that asked if you could leave the last frame of the avi file displayed until the slideshow starts. This sounds like a great idea. What was the final outcome? Also, the name of my slideshow says a lot about my slideshow, is there a way that I can keep the name of the slideshow and pass the name to the video.exe? Or is there a way that I could create one ".exe" file that incorporates my slideshow and your utility, and I could use your utility for an intro and exit. Thanks
[Frank, Please try my utility and If it works for you post your remarks and request for size at the topic named "boxig's video utility". If more members ask for bigger size I'll change the file at http://beechbrook.com/pte/ and if not, I'll make one for you. Granot ] Thanks Boxig for writing this utility. I see that I was not the only person who was thinking of something like this. I glad that I posted the initial question. I have recently downloaded the utility and added it to my slideshow. I do however have some questions. My avi file is fullscreen (975 x 600). Is there a way I can continue to run it full screen? Will you be adding a interface so that If I wanted to run in a cetain size window I could change the properties? Will there be features to change the duration of the avi file? I noticed that my avi file did not complete before running my slideshow. I read an earlier message that asked if you could leave the last frame of the avi file displayed until the slideshow starts. This sounds like a great idea. What was the final outcome? Also, the name of my slideshow says a lot about my slideshow, is there a way that I can keep the name of the slideshow and pass the name to the video.exe? Or is there a way that I could create one ".exe" file that incorporates my slideshow and your utility, and I could use your utility for an intro and exit. Thanks
[Frank, Please try my utility and If it works for you post your remarks and request for size at the topic named "boxig's video utility". If more members ask for bigger size I'll change the file at http://beechbrook.com/pte/ and if not, I'll make one for you. Granot ] Thanks Boxig for writing this utility. I see that I was not the only person who was thinking of something like this. I glad that I posted the initial question. I have recently downloaded the utility and added it to my slideshow. I do however have some questions. My avi file is fullscreen (975 x 600). Is there a way I can continue to run it full screen? Will you be adding a interface so that If I wanted to run in a cetain size window I could change the properties? Will there be features to change the duration of the avi file? I noticed that my avi file did not complete before running my slideshow. I read an earlier message that asked if you could leave the last frame of the avi file displayed until the slideshow starts. This sounds like a great idea. What was the final outcome? Also, the name of my slideshow says a lot about my slideshow, is there a way that I can keep the name of the slideshow and pass the name to the video.exe? Or is there a way that I could create one ".exe" file that incorporates my slideshow and your utility, and I could use your utility for an intro and exit. Thanks
Boxig, That above comments are exactly what I'm trying to do. I have flash (or swish) presentations that I want to use for an intro and exit. Your utility would be greatly appreciated. Can you send it to spoteat@austin.rr.com? BTW, Will it incorporate the flash files and the exe into one exe?
Igor, Are there any plans to add AVI or MPEG files support? Let's say that I wanted to add and introduction and an exit to my slideshow, and there both are in AVI format. Will there be any plans to add them?
Igor, I would like to create an introduction and an exit for my slideshows. Will there be support for AVI or MPEG files?