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philly tom

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Everything posted by philly tom

  1. Success! That filthy sod Zone Alarm has caused all the problems! Now my slide show with stereo sound track auto loads and runs immediatley. Thanks again to those of you who have shared your expertise and helped me solve this problem. Death to the infidels who create virii, worms and other forms of digital mayhem. May their bones become the resting place for the dung of a thousand swine.
  2. Thank all of you for the suggesstions. I am going to shut off Zone Alarm and Spy Bot S&D, physically remove my internet conenctions -both wired and WiFi - and try the autorun once again. My suspicion is that ZA and SBSD are the culprits. I will re-post with results.
  3. I have used PTE for a few years and have version 4.30 on my Win XP Pro desktop. I have made slideshows with music before, then burned them to CD and sent them out. Typical show with music was about 40mb. It would load and then autorun in a computer in less than 1 minute. For the past few days I have been compiling a new show with music and pared it down to about 41mb and burned it to CD adding the autorun.inf file. But the damn thing is taking almost 4 minutes to load and I am losing my mind trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. The image files are all JPEG no larger than 800 pixels on the long side and "saved" down to "medium" compression. The music file is a mono mixdown about 25mb. I burn this to CD. I've loaded this new, completed show-on-CD into two different computers and in each case the load time is ridiculously long - just about 4 minutes. But, running the show directly off the harddrive where it resides it runs immediatley as I expect it would. I should note again that a previous show I created with music and burned to CD would load in less than 1 minute, using same size image files and sound track size. Questions: Is this long load time from CD unavoidable, even with a 40x CD/DVD Reader? Is the music tracks added MB's causing the long load time? Am I missing something in the "project options"? I see in the PTE advertisments that even a 500Mb show will start immediatley - but nothing about burning to CD and load times is anywhere in the manual's contents. Any help much appreciated.
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