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Everything posted by JennyinOZ

  1. Thank you a million thank you's, yes that worked!!!! I cannot begin to tell you the amount of time I have put into this and you fixed it in a few minutes. I really appreciate you helping me. Jenny
  2. HI Ralph Thanks for that. It is not a zip file just a exe file (should it be a zip file?) and i can see the full size of the show at 19mb as it starts to upload but it is only uploading to 9mb so therfor what you are saying does sound right, how can i check how much space i have on my FTP account.? Jenny
  3. I have made a slideshow with web sized images and am trying to upload it to my ftp account but when I try to view it I get this message: Exception EListError in module Hannah&Chad.exe at 00076COF List index out of bounds (0) Could someone please help me and tell me what is the problem. thanks Jenny
  4. Thanks Tom and Lin, With regards to zipping a file can I just right click and save to compressed file instead of using another program? When I do that my file goes from 13.9mb to only 12.7mb. I do have broadband and have tested this E-amil by trying to send to myself and it doesn't work. Is it too large to send by E-mail??
  5. Just made a slideshow and have saved it to my desktop. I now want to do things with it. I want to E-mail it to someone but cannot do so. I have tried to zip it by right clicking to compress it and add as an attachment but it is taking forever and never worked the first time. And secondly I want to share it on a Photography site I visit so I want to add a link for people to click on and view. Can anyone please help me with these things. Oh and I need you to explain it real simple for me. Thanks. Jenny
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