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Everything posted by photographer2

  1. Lin, I posted a huge reply and then accidentilly lost it as I was running out the door. I'm running out again. That was a huge help. I think I might be still having a problem, but I want to sit down and work with it a bit. Then I can reply with a proper question. I didn't want to wait any longer, without saying thanks. That took a lot of time to do. Thanks so much!!! ~TR
  2. I'm sorry. I did read all of those links. Like I said, I still can't burn a DVD on my NERO Express (On Nero burning rom) It's like the file named blahblahblah_vid just doesn't exist. This here is where my problem is. I don't think I am understanding these file formats. .exe is what? AVI? I'm asuming AVI is the video. But I don't understand about this "folder where have all the files for the show". Do you mean my photographs? My music is in one spot, my photos are in another folder. I thought my document.exe had everything in it, no? And while I agree it is easy to make a slideshow as an exe, it is all useless to me if I can't make it a video to see on my clients televisions and a flash for my website. Am I missing something? What do you use the .exe show for? You only view the shows on your own computer? I admit, I must be missing something. Something big. But I have been reading through these forums and still can't get this thing going. So what am I missing?
  3. K, I have P2E for a while now. I have been able to create a couple slide shows. I am annoyed that I can't have a moment of silence with the first or second slide before the music starts. I am especially ready to throw my monitor out the window trying to find a way to upload a show to my site! Yes, yes, yes, I have read all of the threads pertaining to doing it. I even downloaded that God Forsaken Riva piece of *&(*)(*)(*&)#@! There is no help on that site and the forums suck. I lost a whold day of work trying to create a Flash Movie to put up on my site and still can't figure it out. Click on "Tutorials" there and you get a "coming soon". Everything there is coming soon. With my luck it'll be a day after my free trial is over. Then my final Rant. I have NERO burning Rom. When I try to burn an AVI file to at least make a DVD for my clients, it can't find it. When I press Video, it says it has made my AVI file, but when I go to my desktop to find it, it's not there!!!!! For a program that is supposed to be so great, I am completely at my wits end. I am not computer illiterate by any stretch. But this is ridiculous. There is also a thread in here somewhere which almost seemed to help regarding prepping an AVI file for Riva. But I came to a loss when I was supposed to click on Microsoft MPEG4 or something of that sort. Someone raised that question as well, but the thread stopped. Can someone anyone walk me through any kind of a step? I hate to ask for help with RIVA, but there is no support or help there. I am really not a b*tch, but I am totally frustrated. If you made it through, thanks for reading. ~TR
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