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Everything posted by PhilG

  1. Members is spelt wrong (Members not Membres)
  2. This is the original film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120550/
  3. The thing about younger people preferring shorter transition is not that they absorb more information in a shorter time. I think it is more to do with the way younger people live, everything is fast, fast food, fast cars, quicker pace of life, instant gratification. If anything is slowed down they do not have as much patience and want to fast forward everything, they are not as interested in absorbing information that they have no time for. Phil
  4. If that does not work you could try http://www.piriform.com/recuva Free of course, but works very well
  5. Very nice Patrick, as always. Really nice landscape, and well produced.
  6. PhilG


    Dom This is a wonderful slideshow as usual from you. There are some really nice photographs in this show. It seems you are getting on very well with the new camera. Excellent, definitely worth keeping.
  7. Ron After our recent e-mail conversation I think what you probably want to know is if the image displays the texture correctly. It is looking good on my 1680x1050 monitor, displaying the effect correctly. I really like this image. I know if you try to dislay an image with a canvas texture on a computer set to different resolutions, you could have a strange almost moire effect. You just have to make sure you do not allow P2E to resize your image. Phil
  8. John & Ray Please feel free to use my AV for your workshop and passing on to your family. I posted the show for people to enjoy. Phil
  9. Nice show Fred, everything from photography to music was good. I will keep watching for your next show Phil
  10. Thank you for the kind remarks Patrick, Ron and Lin. Praise from you is praise indeed. I am lucky to live in a beautiful country where landscape photography is made easy. It seems that in Scotland you can point your camera in any direction and get a good image. Ron the effect was from Bob McManus on the Beckham Digitl Forum. See this for more details http://www.beckhamforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1447 Phil
  11. I have just done a quick AV show of Scotland after seeing a similar one on the Beckham Digital site. It is the one with the McManus effect. Please feel free to comment, good or bad. http://www.mediafire.com/?gcxcnvzhsyf About 13.5 Mb Phil
  12. Thank you both for your comments, it is always encouraging when someone notices what you have done Phil
  13. I have been sorting through some of my old 35mm negatives (remember those) and scanning them onto my computer. I came across some photographs taken at Dachau in the early 1980s. I though I would try to put together a quick slideshow of them, rather than just store them away again. The show, DACHAU is now on the Beechbrook site. http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=1500 As always, any comments etc. gratefully received. Phil
  14. Hello RudiRe Thank you for your comments. When you are on the beechbrook site downloading shows you can view the authors notes. I know that there is not always enough information but I did put the location this time. I pointed out that Beamish is located in the north east of England. It is close to Durham near a town called Stanley. I'm sorry you did not see this. PhilG
  15. I have just uploaded a new show on Beechbrooke, 'A rainy day at Beamish'. These photographs were taken in the same week last autumn as another show which was also placed on the Beechbrook site, 'Victorian Town' Hope you enjoy them PhilG
  16. David Thanks for the kind words about my photographs. Next time you visit the UK try getting north of the border into Scotland, you are in for a treat. I have just checked the font I used, it appers to be Maiandra GD, if that is any good to you. I don't know where I got it from, probably with another program or a magazine mounted Freebie CD. Regards Phil
  17. Andrew Thank you for your kind comments. The winter coastal scenes were taken at the end of the street where I live. It is a lovely village in the north east of Scotland in Banffshire called Cullen. After travelling the world for 25 years in the RAF and later as a civil servant, I retired here about 3 years ago and now would never want to live anywhere else. Other locations in the sequence include Ullapool, the west coast north of Loch Ness, Rannock Moor and around Aviemore. Ron Thank you also, I just thought the tartan background made it a bit different, although you do not see this if you are using a different monitor screen resolution. Going off to Thailand next week for a month, look out for more shows in the new year PhilG
  18. I have just uploaded to Beechbrooke, a copy of a new show on that I finished this week. I have had a few days free and spent a day at the Black Country Museum in Birmingham. Because the weather was not very good, there were not many people in the museum for most of the day. This is a really good place to spend a few hours. I enjoyed myself so much, the next day I spent in the Blists Hill museum at Ironbridge and did it all again. Another show to come probably. Comments welcome, good or bad. Phil
  19. Ron Thank you for sending me the 'Scrolling Text' tutorial. It was very comprehensive and put together very well. It really helped me to understand all of the steps in producing this effect and I look forward to any other tutorials that you may produce in the future. Thank you again for helping to switch the light on. PhilG
  20. Ragnar The Photoshop checkerboard is easy to sort out. Open Photoshop, go to Edit/Preferences, then click on Transparency & Gamut. There is a button to set up the checkerboard in different colors. PhilG
  21. Ron Thank you for your words of encouragement. I was quite pleased when I finished this sequence, It brought back lots of great memories. Seeing the finished show in Pictures to Exe complete with music made it feel so much better than looking at a few old photographs in a dusty shoebox. When I took these photographs all that time ago they were only ever meant to be small postcard size snaps, hence the number of upright shots. I thought showing them as picture in picture with a diffused background was the best way of mixing them with the landscape format. I can't wait now to get working through my negatives and slides for more inspiration for a new AV show. Thanks Phil
  22. I have just uploaded my second attempt at a Pictures to Exe show to Beechbrook. ' A Traveller in Thailand' The pictures are all from a holiday I took in Thailand a few years ago. They were taken in various locations from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and then into the hills where I stayed with various hill tribes during a 3 week trek. The photographs were all taken on a Olympus 35mm SLR using various speeds of colour negative film. I bought a scanner recently and deceided to try it out using these old negatives. Feel free to comment, good bad or otherwise. I got some helpful comments from my last posting. Regards Phil
  23. I am quite new to this forum and P to E. I have learned a lot from all of you more experienced members posts and have always been able to find an answer to any problems. I have just posted my first attempt at a slideshow on Beechbrook for your comments. The presentation is "Images of Scotland" PhilG
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