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Everything posted by nickunwin

  1. John, Igor doesn't need to be concerned with handling colour profiles in PTE - the colour profile is independant of PTE and is handled by LUT's within the video card manufacturer's drivers. If you have profiled the graphics card/output pairing, then the system will be colour profiled. FWIW, Very few monitors are capable of displaying anything other than the sRGB colour space, and a lot of them don't actually manage that all that well! Only a few high-end monitors can begin to approach the aRGB colour space - and those cost several thousand $/£'s .
  2. Hi Igor, Thanks for releasing the Public Beta - it looks great . Forgive me if this is mentioned in the readme notes - One thing I'd noticed is that it only seems to handle .wma audio files in the Timeline-Play option. It doesn't play the wma audio if using the Preview or the Timeline->Preview options. Nor does it play the audio when the project is output to an .exe - .mp3's are handled fine though. For your new "Objects and Animation" Screen it would also be really usefull if we could see the audio waveform, or at least hear the appropriate section of audio, when playing the slide. Thanks to you all for putting in all your hard work.
  3. Hi Gordon, Save your file as a Gif file - JPEG doesn't support transparency.
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