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Everything posted by basykes

  1. I suspect Igor has gone out. I sent him an alternate way of mailing it, to Gmail, but have heard nothing on either address. Owell, it's not urgent at this point.
  2. That's very odd, since I've never had problems with any registration key for any other program before.
  3. I actually sent FOUR e-mails to this address, surprised at no response because in the past response has been very prompt. I'll try again.
  4. OK--thanks. I'll just do that.
  5. is that you Bev Ken It is indeed. It wouldn't recognize my log-in, so I re-joined.
  6. I paid $24 to download Pictures to EXE, received an order number and nothing else. It has been a day since I made my payment. I have sent several messages to customer service at wnsoft and have received no answer. Have I been duped?
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