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Gary Fox Studio

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  1. Registered members to this forum were required to list personal email addresses. Administration has plenty to do trying to keep up with their own "homework" without having extra assignments...however, would it be possible to fire off a bulk email to all the members asking the info about video cards. It would also give 'em a heads up that Ver. 5 is close at hand. Gary
  2. Igor, This is my first post and I am a professional photographer in East Texas half way between Dallas, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana. I've have used P2EXE for many years presenting my wedding photography to my clients, and it has been a wonderful and rewarding experience to have your product available. There are many professionals that use your program, but don't take the time to write 'thank you' letters. I have been reading the posts from your regular members, and its obvious that you are loved and appreciated by many people around the world. Please know that there are many out here that also feel that way but don't sit down and write to say 'Thank You.' Be encouraged, my friend and, again I say Thank You! Gary
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