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Everything posted by jena_0809

  1. Thanks for your help Lin. I am using original images. I will reduce the image size & try again. The confusion comes from the fact that I can create the exact same slideshow with 4.45 with no issues. I have always done it this way, but I've got to resize for the web anyway, so I'll just use those images. We are burning to CDs for our clients. But we are also copying the exe file over to the laptop in our sales room. This is when we run into problems. Exe's from 4.45 work fine, they hang up from the newer version. I will create a new show this afternoon & give it another try. Thanks again for you help! Jena
  2. I am really struggling with this product. Absolutely loved 4.45, but since upgrading it's been a nightmare! Creating the slideshows & playing them on the computer they were created on is flawless. The problem is when we move / copy them to another computer or when we copy them to a CD. The images hang up or bounce and transitions are lost. I really need a solution since this is how we present images to clients. Help please!
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