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Craig Kienast

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Everything posted by Craig Kienast

  1. the point is is its out there! I agree that decompiling a show that someone else made is moraly wrong......but we are talking about retriving lost work and lost photos.....the copyright owners work.... even if decompiling that show is the only answer....it MUST be done!
  2. a friend of mine said that the MAC program "File Juicer" will extract jpgs and mp3s from all exe shows and corrupted discs as well
  3. a friend of mine said that the MAC program "File Juicer" will extract jpgs and mp3s from all exe shows and corrupted discs as well
  4. a friend of mine said that the MAC program "File Juicer" will extract jpgs and mp3s from all exe shows and corrupted discs as well
  5. a friend of mine said that the MAC program "File Juicer" will extract jpgs and mp3s from all exe shows and corrupted discs as well
  6. a friend of mine said that the MAC program "File Juicer" will extract jpgs and mp3s from all exe shows and corrupted discs as well
  7. correct....you need a buddy with a mac
  8. yes it will work on windows based exes.....it doesn't have to play the show.....it shreds it and gets the guts of the show....original jpgs and mp3s yippy!!!!!!
  9. mabey a friend of mine said that the MAC program "File Juicer" will extract jpgs and mp3s from all exe shows and corrupted discs as well sooooooooo away we go to MAC ville!
  10. I know the obviouse answer is back up.....and I do.... but I shoot like 500 jobs a year....and all but mabey 4 were backed up.....the job I'm trying to save was one of those 4 from what Ive learned the MAC program "file Juicer" will extract jpgs and mp3s from .exe shows.....sooooo thats the direction I will try
  11. ....I've been able to get a sellable 8x10 off of a screen capture....then it struck me.... p2E makes the shows images fit the screen they are presented on....soooo the screen on my computer is 1280 rez wide.....the captures are 1280 rez wide..... the original jpgs used to create the show are 2400 res wide.....whats the highest rez monitor on the market? get the picture.....if I can get a screen capture that is say.......1800 res wide.....I can sleep tonight!
  12. someone could make a butt load of money if they offered the service of decompiling and extracting the original jpgs from an exe show.....as may of us have had the misfortune of losing valuble photos with hard drive crashes
  13. How can I retrieve the Jpgs from their slide show? I've heard of it being done....and need to do it now? Thanks Craig
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