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Everything posted by Esben

  1. Sorry I was wrong, it is indeed a matter of Picture Size. Pics larger than screen res flicker in V5 but not in V4 while fading. Unfortunately, it is V5 I could make use of larger Images No need for them in V4, bummer. However, wasnt it a discussion awhile ago weather or not V5 has disadvatages? Apperently, it makes sense to keep V4.49 as a Basic version a it can handle large images with older hardware, something V5 can not, though having the same engine for non KenBurns Effect. Thanks anyway, Esben
  2. I came across a weird effect: I created a show in 4.49, all works fine. I open the same show in V5 and it works too. I create a similar show (same features, fading etc) right in V5.5 and I get flickering fades. I can work that way at least. Esben
  3. Peter, it is indeed from a Fujisu Siemens Laptop (amilo pro V2000), otherwise running fine. So it sounds like I have to stay with 4.47 as long as I use this Computer. Igor, I have the same problem with pic downsized to Screen resolution (1024*768). Intervall to the next Slide is 5 sec with 1,5 s transition. Shame I have to wait for V5 till I get new hardware, but that is the way it is with IT. Thanks for the reply. Esben
  4. Hi Ron, thanks for the quick reply. According to my device manager it is an IntelĀ® 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphic Controller Is that to say, V5 works indeed differently than V4, as the same feature works differently? Hope it is only a setting in the properties. Esben
  5. Hi all, I have been using P2E in V4.47 so far. Recently updated to V5.5. Unfortunately I have some problems with it. I tried the feature of V4.47 (simple fading with music) in V5.5 but do not get the same results. Fading is staggering to the point of no fading at all (after a couple slides). Am I doing something wrong with the prpperties in V5.5? I ve heart V5 works with the same engine as in V4.47 for all non Animaion (Pan and Zoom) effects. So I do not understand why I do not get smooth results. Following this logic, it should not be a matter of my hardware (as fading in V.4.47 works fine on the same computer: Pentium M 1,5 Ghz, 1,24 GB RAM) Any suggestions? Many thanks, Esben
  6. Hi guys, thanks for all the tutorials. However, I found it very difficult to choose one for my purpose. You might be able to help me out with that? I used PTE 4.48 quite extensivly over the privious year, but only occationally followed up the the development of V5. With the final version, it is time to get into it! So, is there a tutorial which covers all features of V5 rather then focusing on very specialized effect tutorials? Preferable as an PDF document, but animated videos are fine too. Thanks for you recommendations, Esben
  7. Exactly, I thought so too. However, visual effect or not, Reality is how it seams in our perception, isn't ist ;-) So my question is, is there a way to compensate that by a NON linear Zoom effects? If not, it is fine as it is, just wanna make sure I didnt miss anything. No rude ask more and more Igor ;-)
  8. Why is that? What am I doing wrong? I start at 300% and within 20 sec. it is going down to 100% screen fit (2 keypoints). It starts very slowly but speeds up at the end (seams at least). I wish it went even. Any hints? Thanx, Sven
  9. Brian, thx for the quick reply, however, it is very strange, I cant even see the applicaion in the Task Manager once the Error occured. Thats why I said I need to shut down the the whole session on the computer. However, trying as Admin (changed the use profile) I had no problems creating videos frpm PTE. There is nothing wrong with missing files in the proect or so, I tried serval pte projects. So long, Sven
  10. "Access violation at adress 00533228 in module 'apr.exe'. Read of adress 0000000" I cant even close the PTE Window anymore. Only logout from my session (I am not the admin on the PC) helps. Any suggestions? Thx, Sven
  11. Hello, I am wondering how to do fading/transtions with audio files. Is there any planning to cover that featuer by V5.0? However, it should not be that difficult doing that in an audio editor. But for some reason I can not find a way with my exiting editors Audacity and Nero Wave Editor 5.5. There is only the feature for fading in and out, but not fading from one file to another audio file. Does anyone have some suggestions on that? Thank you very much for the great programm and the help in that forum!
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