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Everything posted by SteveF

  1. Thanks for that. I either missed that check box or didn't understand what it did. But now that I read it and think about it;it does makes sense. I'll give it a try tomorrow. I've been working on a brute force workaround. I've done the lead in and out animations and segments without video clips in version 5. I still have a copy of Version 4 on my laptop. I used that to create segments that contained both slides and video clips. And then tied them together using the Run External Ap. function. It would have been nice to have one file as keeping track of what was in what segment lead to some confusion. But I will try your this. Thanks!
  2. I've figured out that ShowVideoPTE does in fact work in version 5 but not the same way it did in version 4. What's different is how and/or when it is executed. It appears to me that in version 4 when an external application was run, ShowVideoPTE in this case, it ran in parallel with PTE itself (asynchronously with each other). That allowed running a video clip on a black slide with a slide duration of the video clip. In version 5 it appears to me that they are nor running in parallel but in sequence. First the external ap and then the slide. I believe that because after a video clip runs in Version 5 PTE does not come back until that black slide has shown for it's slide duration. (In my case that's a relatively long time, like 2 minutes. That is why last night I thought it was not coming back to PTE. ) So you can successfully show slide clips in version 5 and set the slide duration for the slide that calls ShowVideoPTE to something very short like 100ms. This works for slide show that do not have sync'ed music. But it does not seem to be possible embed video clips in a sync'ed slide show with Version 5. Or am I missing something?
  3. This is slightly different that the current thread about the ability to embed video clip in a PTE Show. I'm trying to use ShowVideoPTE.exe. I'm in the process of creating my first serious show in a year and a half. With the previous version of PTE I used Granot's utility, ShowVideoPTE.exe, to imbed video clips that were synced with slides and music. (The transitions were jerky, the size was small, the image quality was less than optimal; but it worked in a fashion.) I'm trying to do the same thing with the new version of PTE and it does not seem to work. The video clip starts on cue but it doesn't come back to the slides when the video clip ends. I've gotten the latest version of ShowVideoPTE from Granot's site. As you would expect, when I run an old .exe show that I created with the previous version of PTE it works as it did when I created it. But when I open the associated PTE project in the new version of PTE and preview it it does not work like it used to. Can someone confirm that ShowVideoPTE.exe does not work with the latest version of PTE? I've looked in the archieves and I didn't find where someone confirmed that it no longer works. And if by chance it still does work, what are the "tricks" to making it work? TIA, Steve Fredrick
  4. Granot, I've been away on a shoot and just got back. I've D/L'ed the latest version of ShowVideoPTE and tested it with the show I'd put together. This does make for a more polished show. The first showing of the show is tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to doing the show. Your tool allowed me to accoplish what I wanted and I didn't have to spend any more time looking for tools that would do the job. PTE coupled with your utility have fit what I needed. Thanks!
  5. Granot, Sorry for not getting back to you earlier. Yesterday morning I did d/l the updated version of ShowVideoPTE and tested it with an old version of the show (one with 13 video clips) and yes it now works. Howerver, for this current project I'm going to stay with the show implemented as two separate PTE shows with each having less than 9 video clips. That is unless someone knows how to how to cut and paste or append a second audio synchonized show onto another synchronized show. (I know I'd have to edit the audio separately. All I need is to get the slides and timming transfered). At this point the show is sync'ed to 4 audio clip in part one and 3 in part two that were strung together with Audacity. Sync'ing to the video clips was little tricky since the playing of the video is asynchronous (independent) of the PTE slide show and the time to open, execute, and close each time it runs varies slightly depending on what else the computer is doing. Also I've started the practice of having the first slide, in a show that uses ShowVideoPTE, to execute the Deletevidtmp.exe routine. Even though users can prematurely stop a show they have no way of starting in the middle. So reseting the counter at the beginning of each show seems prudent. And for others that might come along later and read this thread...... I've started using a procedure that allows me to review/debug long shows without having to start at the very beginning (with the video clips the run time for the show goes up quickly). After I thought of it, it has saved me a lot of time. For example, if you just made changes to the audio that plays with a video clip that is 10-12 minutes into the show. Rather than sitting a waiting for the 10-12 minutes (that you are not interested in for this exercise) you can start the show right before the desired video clip by "presetting" the counter used to sequence though the video clip. What I do is first run (double clip) Deletevidtmp.exe. Then I run ShowVideoPTE (double clip), located in the same folder as the show and video clips, then after the 1st video clip starts I hit ESC (no need to watch the whole thing). Do that until you get to down the sequence of clips and stop before you get to the clip you want to view. Then go into the PTE project, select a (non-video) slide before the clip and right click and Preview from Current slide. Works for me. Thanks for making this Donationware available and for making changes. A very usefull tool that extends the capability of PTE.
  6. Ok, I'll bite. If I open an image in Photoshop and in the Image Size dialog box set the long dimension to 120 mm and the resolution to 300ppi (if you use a different resolution on your print file the pixel dimensions will change) it gives a pixel dimension of 1417 pixels for that side. I hope this helps.
  7. I don't understand why it doesn't work for me either. I checked the date on the ShowVideoPTE file I was using for this project and it was todays date (18 Feb.). But just to be sure I searched for ShowVideoPTE and deleted all instances. Then d/l'ed it again and put into folder with show. Then did: 1. From Explorer ran Deletevidtemp 2. Ran ModifyPTE 3. Opened file_new 4. Created the .exe 5. Ran it with the same results--where the 10th clip should have run the 1st one ran. Another experiment; all from Windows Explorer: 1. Ran Deletevidtemp 2. Ran ShowVideoPTE. 1st clip ran 3. Ran ShowVideoPTE. 2nd clip ran 4. Ran Show VideoPTE. 3rd clip ran ..... 9. Ran ShowVidioPTE. 8th clip ran 10. Ran ShowVidePTE. 9th clip ran 11. Ran ShowVideoPTE. Guess what... The 1st clip ran At least for me, it seem to be limited to 9 video clips per PTE show. That may not be the way you wanted it to work but that's what I'm seeing. To accoplish what I'm trying to do for the vaction show I can string together two PTE shows. BTW, any chance you uploaded the wrong version of ShowVideoPTE to your site? Also BTW, thanks for your patinece and all the time you've put in on this.
  8. Still getting the same symptoms: clips 1,2,3 playing where 10,11,12 should plan. Don't know if there is a clue in here but when I changed the file names to a_name, b_name, c_name, etc I got some other strange behavior. (BTW, I did this with the previous version of ShowVideoPTE.) Clip "g" played where "a" was suppose to play and "a" played where "g" was suppose to play. And for the last three it played g, b, c. (Again "g" played where you would expect "a" to play.) Like I said not know if there is a clue in here but is different. I haven't tryed this with the new version yet.
  9. Got ModifyPTE to work (gone the "Done"). But still no joy. 01, 02, 03 play where 10, 11, 12 are suppose to play.
  10. Granot, I think I understand want you are saying about ModifyPTE.exe but I think there is a bug in that program. When I run it I get a dialog box that has a note similar to what you say this routine does in the readme but there is a button that says "Find your PTE File". When I press the button I get another dialog box asking for a file name. Not sure what is going on here but needless to say I have not successfully ran ModifyPTE before creating any of the slide shows I've done with this new version. I think I did not have some of the video slides set up correctly on that first pass. I've since updated them and now think they are correct. Initially I was getting a blank video playing for video clips 10, 11, 12. Now I'm getting clips 1-3 playing on the slides where 10-12 should be playing. Steve Fredrick
  11. Granot, this new version works pretty well so far. I've updated one show that has 2 video clips in it and all is working great on that one . The other one I have some 12 video clips in and just finished running it the first time and still have a glitch with that one . But before I get to that I have a couple of questions to clearify the placement of Deletevidtmp.exe and ModifyPTE.exe files. For Deletevidtmp.exe could I run that on the slide right after the last video clip in the show? And for ModifyPTE.exe, right now I just have sitting in the same folder as the show. Should I run that on the first slide of the show? Also for file names of the video clips, your instructions are to name the files "1", "2", etc. Is it possible to put something descriptive behind the number, like 1_clipONE, 2_anotherCLIP, etc? I could experipment but thought I'd ask since I'm already being a PIA . Is there a limit on the number of video clip that can be in one show? The reason I ask is in the show where I have 12 video clips, clips 10, 11, & 12 don't play. Not a major problem because I can split the show into 2 segments and put the break where there is a music change. Much more manageable that linking 12 short segements together. Thanks, Steve Fredrick
  12. Thanks Granot. That sounds like it will do just what I'm trying to do. I will give it a try tonight. Again, thanks SteveF
  13. I'm new to PTE and am attempting to create a slide show interspersed with a few video clips. (I shoot stills and my wife shoots video.) I've seached this forum and found Boxig's utility, ShowVideoPTE. It appears that this utility will only work with one video clip per PTE show. So I've strung several PTE "segments" together with each segment in a separate folder. If I put the utility and the video clip for that segment in another folder below the one the PTE segment is in, it will play the correct clip in the correct places. The problem with this solution is the music is all chopped up. Is there a way to get ShowVideoPTE to run one video clip in one slide and a second (or third) clip on a second (or third) slide all within one PTE show? I've tried puttting "ShowVideoPTE" "filename2" in for the external application but it will only play the first video clip in all places where ShowVideoPTE is called. Any other ideas to make this work? Is there an easier way to do this? Someone told my I should try ProShowGold as they thought that it would handle video. Getting Frustrated SteveF
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