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Everything posted by wedford

  1. Hi "nbeefbtu", Any progress on "VolFader? I understand PTE might have a volume/sound inline "editor" sometime in the future, and that'd be great feature. I know work in Audacity or another "stand alone" music editing program might give the effect one wishes. But being with my being a person who would go out of their way to find a lazier way to do something I'd greatly welcome this as it would, I think, give a "polished" quality to a slidshow. In the meantime your work with "VolFader" would be nice.
  2. Thanks for the answers Lin and Al, I knew I could count on you two for help. Too bad about the answers though, it's not like I use the features all that much it's just the idea of being able to change things if I want. I do have another question .... can I no longer print/SAVE to a file instead of just printing a slide? Thanks again.
  3. Thanks for the reply Lin, Although with your puzzling over my first qustion (from desktop?) I started questioning myself. Did PTe have this feature in the past? I remembered something but started to think it was another program I had used, one to make menus for CD/DVDS (Quick Menu Builder). It does have this feature so in addition to that I rally though I was having a "moment". I searched through the PTE forum and found that PTE DID have this option (first slide appearing from the desktop without a "background" or window.) Also after the last slide instead of just stopping it could "transition" to the desktop. I found my answer also - PTE no longer has this feature although it might again in the future. SO with your answer of one NOT being able to change the automatic slide "comments" from the standard options I'm batting zero! Oh well, at least I know my mind hasen't gone TOTALLY on "vacation". Thank anyhow.
  4. Hi All, I'm definetly enjoying using the new version 5 although in exploring different ideas and trying to duplicate others achievements I find PTE SUCKS ...... all the time out of my days. Oh why so many options? I have a hard enough time in my deciding do I wear black socks or white, over the roll or underneath, paper or plastic ETC. ETC. ETC. So anyhow, since I spent the night "experimenting" again and now have red eyes that could put any Motley Crue member to shame I've got a couple questions. 1. No starting a slidehow from the desktop? Or back? 2. How to start numbering slides with Project Options "comments" automatically 'from a particular slide? Can I "skip" a certain slide and keep numbering? Again, some silly questions and I wouldn't say they're keeping me up at night but then again how would I know? (Ummmm, maybe I'll go without socks at all!! Then again ........ Anyhow, Thanks
  5. Hi All, The ability to export "layers" as individual png's is fantastic but unfortunately, as I use Photoshop Elements, I'm not capable of using "script jfx's". I can save each layer as a png by selecting it alone or I can "save for web" an animated gif with transparency - open it in Irfanview then "export all frames" - then use Irfanview again to "batch convert" these files into png's. Thereby getting transparency. (It's actually kind of faster this way.) But, it would be nice to cut to the chase and be able to do this all fast while still in P. Elements and keep it all in png's. Any suggestions? Even if a solution isn't possible I consider, it "no problem", as I've been a longtime "lurker" and have benefitted from all the "trials and tribluations" or should I say "sweat and TEARS" from the extended PTE family... so thanks!!! Steve
  6. Thanks for the replies - I see that I was right in that others were trying it also. / I guess there's NOT a way to control a series of slides so that they act like a "loop" - simulating animation. By control I mean, which slides to use, how long, fast etc. AND DO IT IN ONE SLIDESHOW. WITH ONLY PART OF THE SLIDESHOW ACTING AS AN ANIMATION. Again, you can make a seperate slideshow and have it "loop" (start over and over) and then put a button on a slide in the "primary" slideshow and set it's action to "run application or open file..." - (play the "looped" slideshow") Is there a way to open it "off center" OR ALSO a way to set it to run/open automatically when coming to a certain slide in the primary show or CLOSE? I tried making a transparent "gif" to use as a "sizeholder" then putting the part I wanted animated in just a corner but since you can't use "transparent gif's" as a slide it didn't work. Maybe in future PTE revisions "transparent gifs", "loop" controls" etc., you'll be able. Thanks for info Al and the tip about the added slides used in making a 'slideshow animation' not adding to the "size". I know this sounds kind of trivial concidering ALL the "tricks" PTE can do and the NEW additions but I had to know. THANK AGAIN!!!
  7. I've been using PTE for awhile and am continually astonished both at the programs abilities and the ungoing improvements as well as the knowledge, experience and helpfulness of the PTE "community". / I have a question that perhaps has a simple solution but I haven't thought of a solution yet - that is it possible to set a certain number of slides in a "loop"? So that if played continually, fast enough, would give the appearance of animation? A "Gif" animation is nothing but a series of slides in such a "loop". Think of an old "flip" card book as an example. / I tried making a simple one, just making it start over and over again and was succesful. I could "attach" it as a completly seperate slideshow to be played within another. / But the reason I ask is if trying to simulate a more complex animation it requires adding allot more slides for each "sequence" and can make a presentation pretty big. And if I do just "attach" it to another show then I have to include both shows when "distributing" it as well as possibly running into other problems? / If you could make a single show, it'd be nice to specify which slides to "loop" - which to play "regularly" - how long to "loop" - give the user an option to stop the "loop" and procede with the show. Again, it's possible with my workaround but a hassle. And possible there's an easier way. (Sorry to run off at the mout....fingertips.)
  8. Hi Al, Thanks for the response, good idea about "stringing" already "music timed" shows together. And while I'm sure with some adjusting the desired effect would be possible it's nice to know that in the future it might be possible with a built in program feature. (It's your fault Igor, we're not ungratefull, you've just spoiled us.) By the way Al, speaking of spoiling - any chance on a revision of the "PTE Tutorial". You did a GREAT job with it! Please disregard the "permitting control of show" while "synchronized" question - I LOST MY MIND! (AGAIN)
  9. Hi Igor/Admin, FOR HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW, FOR HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW, FOR HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOWWWWW, WHICH NOBODY CAN DENY!!!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about using all "upper case" but I just want to make sure my sentiments are "loud and clear" I do have one tiny "wish" though (it may even already be possible but with PTE having so many features available ...) Anyhow, the question I have is - is there a way to add songs or sounds and designate beginning and ending slides and have PTE automatically distribute the time spacing. And if so with more than a single song ? Or, when "permitting control of the show" is there a way to "synchronize" the music - instead of starting the show over? Again, GREAT STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hi Vinnie, I believe a good utility called "Screenprints" made for PTE by "Nobeefstu" is just what you want. You can download it from Beechbrook Cottage. http://www.beechbrook.com/ Good kuck.
  11. Hi Granot, I sent an email to your home address with mine but I'll also put a different one in here that you can send it to. I don't know if any of my slides deserve a description but at least it will let me put in excuses and explain why a slide looks the way it does- "the camera had spots on the lens" - "it must be your computer" - "there was this thunderstorm when I was putting together the presentation" - "the dog ate it"........................uh, not to many people fall for this one so I better think of more. vertigo91784@yahoo.com Thanks again
  12. Sounds great Granot! As for the HTML editing, I use one called AceHTML. It's free and it it does have allot of options to alter an HTML. As good as the one you mention? AceHTML has a "go back" button which I NEED! On your update, width is O.K. but it's the length which I'd prefer to change. Is it possible to have it popup in a certain location and the size? And does the users screen resolution affect it? Sorry to be so picky but by the volume and insights of your different utilities/posts it seems like Stephen Hawking might have a competitor. I'm more in Stephen Kings territory. Thanks again!
  13. Hi again, "Boxig" are you there? I was at "Beechbrooke" looking at other people's presentations and wondering if I was the only one whom wasnt a MENSA member when I stumbled across a PTE utility called "MyHTML." - "Boxig" made it. It's a utility that one uses to describe a particular photo/presentation while PTE is running. There is another called "MiniUtility" that does the same - (also made be "Boxig"). I tried both but "MyHTML" looks somewhat better to me. It works fine but seems to require a little knowledge of HTML code to write your descriptions and while I know enough to mangle it into a useable condition, I was wondering can I alter it to change the "pop-up" size or allow the user to resize it? Maybe there's another or a better way to do what I want. Thanks
  14. Sorry! I meant ANIMATIONS.
  15. Ah yes, NOW I understand, thanks Guru. And that'd be great Igor if you could then make them the MAIN picture. Would that mean ithen, that if you picked a "shadow" of the picture's as an "presentation option" would that mean a shadow along the whole length of a transparent GIF - following the contour? And transitions are they possible? Probably not, or if so, I think it'd be totally dependant on the computers capability that is running a finished presentation. Going back through the "Help" revision list you get a new realization of how much effort, time and I'm sure more than a few blood & tears went/go into it! Thanks, Igor!
  16. Hi all, again I turn to your expertise. I'm under the impression that GIF's can be used in a presentation. No problem, But transparent? I can't, maybe I'm thinking wrong, so I went back through the coming improvements for different editions in "Help" and while I see there's support for GIF's, is it for transparency? While looking I came upon something in the 'V3.00 Aug 24th' that said animations would soon be possible. It'd be nice but I can do without it, (I am still curious) But GIF transparency? That'd be great for importing a picture to a backgound and just dragging it around the screen. Thanks
  17. It seems like it ought to be simple and hopefully it is (my mind can't take much more) I want to include sounds (music ususally) in PTE. And no problem. But I email some shows and I want to keep things as "little" as possible to make it easier to send them (allright, I'm cheap. I'm still using "dial-up". I've got a 1 year old Lab and it takes all my extra money to replace thing's she's been "tasting".) The problem is if I find a "Midi" but don't necessarily like everything in it, then, I want to change it around. Right now, - I play it with "Winamp" - record it while playing with "sound recorder" save it to a "wave" - open it with a program called "Audacity" - alter it - and then "export" it as an MP3. I'm getting the hang of it after figuring out what each setting/control to use (I know I probably don't have it all correct but it works) And, it might seem convoluted but, if I do it right it's in stereo and it's not too bad. BUT, it's way bigger than the original Midi. I change it back from a Wave to a Midi/MP3 to make it smaller, but it's not always small enough. I've tried "Exact Copy" and a few other programs that will "compact" waves, but no luck. Maybe it's not even possible. HELP! Any recommendations or comments? Remember please, I'm trying to keep things as least expensive as possible. (Christmas hangover? Nope, my lab lookin around and.............) Thanks!
  18. Thanks for the responses I think. Considering the last ones you would think that I am totally displeased with the PTE and want to go entirely to DVD. Hardly the case. I, if I wasn't clear before I am completely satisfied with the experiences with this program! So much so that I would like to find a way to make it available to everyone I know. Unfortunately at this time, PTE cannot be transcribed to a DVD, which happens to be the most common entertainment component among people that I know. I praised PTE's forum because it allowed conversation that while seeming on the surface to undercut PTE did in fact only substantiate the impression that PTE's primary concern, and it's advocates, was to further knowledge. Yes, DVD's, or anything might become obsolete in years if not days and even then would the masses be financially able, or would it be sensible to embrace the news, trash their old systems and go run out and get the latest new thing? Would that "new thing" even last or should we wait? I'm sure the one after it, right around the corner is the one, right? 8 tracks, cassettes, etc. yes, everything changes, but for now I'm doing what I can. So, thanks again for the responses.
  19. Wow, first, I get a detailed response from Truelight then helpful thoughts from jaspry and now a note from Danabw that has more insights. Thanks! I know with your minds working on this I'll get some great information. Concerning the idea of a DVD burner though - $175? (and then more for needed software) I grant you they are coming down in price but I looked around briefly and the best I could find was $225 for an HP. This does include a few software programs and I know it's better than what they used to be. But that's the best price I found, and if I go with the best price - is it a case of "you get what you pay for"? Who knows if the software will do what I want? Or can I somehow use PTE then with a DVD burner? (Give me a break, I'm just learning) I'd still like to try doing things on the cheap - my system is an AMD 1600+XP with 256 DDR PC2100 mem, 2 hard drives and XP and W98 double booted. If I do get a DVD burner after all - will I have to upgrade? I'm still hoping XAT, ProShow or Ulead will fit the bill. (I don't think I got the answer to, "are all Mpeg1's the same resolution or sharpness?" I'm limited to making VCD 's (mpeg1's) because it's the only format that will play in my relatives (and I believe most people) players for the TV. I looked for some way to get around this and I found a trick at "VCDhelp.com" saying to change the SVCD header with a program called TPGEnc, and if you can then maybe the player will be fooled into thinking it's a regular VCD and play it. (It said if it worked you would then get the SVCD quality) .....................It didn't work for me, but maybe it's because when I use NERO to write the MPEG after changing the header - NERO says it's "invalid" and still looks at it as a MPEG1. I guess when burning a MPEG it will include necessary files needed for playback and they're different depending on what kind of MPEG you're burning. Anyhow, I love the tips. Again - I WISH THAT PTE........
  20. Thanks for the replyTruelight , indeed - PTE(Sorry about the spelling. I guess my fingers don't work very well, can't be my brain, at least I hope not. - judging by the amount of your posts and reading your comments I have no doubt as to your thoughts. Transitions do seem to be related to the presentation quality. I'm with you when picture quality is the primary concern. It would be nice if Ulead or perhaps the program that jayspry (Pictures to CD & DVD) works (Thanks for the info jayspry - I'm downloading the demo program right now and will check it out)
  21. Hi, I know there are prior posts on DVD presentations (ad nauseum) however, they're not accessible anymore and I'd like thoughts/views on this subject from others who, I know, are a just a WEE bit smarter than myself. (O.K. allot!) First of all, let me say I am a tried and true loyal fan of PET! The program is the BEST when it comes to making a slideshow for the pc. So many possible ways to tweak your creation that it truly is - "truly only limited by your imagination". Looking at some of the presentations made by other users and following the forum posts I realize that I just scratch the tip of the iceberg. It seems however, there are only a few items, that seem to be constantly requested, that are on everybody's wish list. 1. music-timeframe thumbnails. 2. more animations. and 3. Make presentations into VCD/SVCD! The last seems to be the most common by far and the one that concerns me. (I could go through the convoluted process of PC-VCR, and was going to do so, but I heard that besides being a difficult process to learn, resolution is a problem and you don't have the ability of a DVD to "jump" in an individual show or from presentation to presentation.) With PTE I've made a few presentations that, while nothing too intricate, I thought came out pretty good. I can only hope and pray that PTE that will some day allow me to share these with others through DVD presentation. While it will never be as sharp as on a PC, many people only have access to a DVD player and instead of everybody crowding around a little computer screen you could show it on the "big screen" in the "recreation" room for everyone to view. Alas, this "upgrade" if every happening, doesn't seem to be in the near future. I would gladly pay for this ability - maybe, as an added feature to PTE that individuals could opt out of or even as a standalone program that would allow you to "import" a PTE presentation. Even if one could not edit a PTE slideshow in it, after seeing how PTE itself works and the quality it has, I know it would be - again the "BEST" in it's class. Until that happens I'm left with others I'm not so sure about - ProShow Gold, XATshow, FlyVCD, PicturetoTV, SSMM. I kind of narrowed it down to the first two but; ProShow Gold - quality (I need regular VCD's not SVCD's, and I don't know, but are all mpeg 1's alike as far as resolution/sharpness?) and the price (Even though I might just have to use the regular VCD quality - ProshowGold allows you to make "menus" for more than one show per DVD. (Regular ProShow, while cheaper, won't let you do this. I use Nero to burn and I think I can put more on a CD with this but a menu?) XATShow - transitions (can you use them with a VCD?) is the output mpeg1 or mpeg? And is it sharper than PROShow? Again, I WISH I COULD USE PTE FOR THIS! I'm so happy with it there's not even a question that if I have a choice between something for the DVD or PC I'd use something else other than PTE . THIS IS A GREAT FORUM. By allowing posts on competitive products in somewhat the same category extolling pro's/con's, it's one that exemplifies what a forum should be! This to me alone indicates how result oriented PTE is and why it is the standard others should be measured by!
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