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    Walking<br />Photography

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  1. Eric, Your problem is easily solved. I understand that you use Audacity for your dedicated audio requirements and not the facilities within PTE. There are numerous menu creation programmes available, I use AUTOPLAY MENU DESIGNER which is easy to use and extremely flexible, It's a relatively inexpensive programme with a good tutorial section. You use a dedicated programme for audio, why not do the same for menu creation. Can't understand what you watch on TV, plumb in a new dishwasher or go shopping in B@Q and Dunelm has to do with the PTE forum.Facebook would be more appropriate for that. Ray.
  2. Hi Barry, Another excellent show which was viewed with great pleasure. The timing of the transitions with the music was spot on, the quality of the pictures was spot on, in fact everything was spot on...well done. Did not have any problems with unzipping and understanding the folder structure. Ray.
  3. Morturn, Thank you for your comments which are appreciated, I agree that it was to long but like most people find it difficult as to which images to leave out. I will reduce the overall number of pictures, particularly the similar images at the start which you so rightly pointed out. Initially the slideshow was for my benefit only being a reminder of a great holiday. Then decided to share images of this beautiful island. Ray.
  4. Roger, I enjoyed it, definately not a collection of snapshots in my opinion. The A/V had a theme of people enjoying themselves celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, good photography and choice of music. Well done.
  5. Mickp Thank you for watching and your comments, I agree it was a little to long. Madeira is a beautiful island and a walkers paradise, amazing how they built the levads in the most remote locations. The small villages up in the mountains were a joy to visit with their well maintained terrace garden plots, everything grew so well. The people were very friendly and the cafes/bars provided excellent refreshments before catching the local bus back into town. A return visit is a must for me. Ray.
  6. Rick Thank you for looking glad you enjoyed it. Ray.
  7. Just a few of many photographs taken on a recent holiday in Madeira. 48MB just under 10 minutes 16/9 aspect ratio. Comments, good or bad invited. Ray. http://www.mediafire.com/?38wc4d2drcjfkj2
  8. Brian, Thank you for the link for this free tool. Not only is it helpful for use in Pte but other programmes also. Ray.
  9. Hi Calvin, I enjoyed watching your show, refreshing to view something different. I did not find it boring but we all have different views. Loved the colours and transitions. With Burn's night being just a week away I can see the association. Ray.
  10. Hi Lin, Nice examples of what can be acheived with PTE using masks. The .exe example worked well on my laptop but slight problems on my Mac. On the Mac, clicking on the youngster opened the text message, then clicking on the text, nothing happened, expected individual picture as per the PC example. This is just my observation which I'm sure you will want to know. Thank you for the tutorial. Regards, Ray.
  11. What a lucky escape, thankfully no one injured and damage could have been a lot worse. Played perfectly full screen at 1920 x 1200 on my iMac.
  12. Hi Lin, This played nice and smooth on my Mac. Loved the flame effect in the fireplace. Half expected the television to turn on......it did. Thank you for sharing.
  13. Yes, a seperate section in the forum for language other than English would be appreciated by many. Apprerciate this is an English speaking forum but would be a good thing generally for PTE.
  14. Apologies, just realised posted this in wrong section. Ray
  15. Taken the plunge and uploaded my first PTE(4.48) - Walking the Samaria Gorge - onto Beechbrook. Any comments appreciated. Question. Original file was 75MB, compressed with WinZip down to 66MB should this have been a much lower file size? Ray
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