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chas merry

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Everything posted by chas merry

  1. Hi Tom, Thanks for your reply. I am using version 4.40. Within the "Project Options" under the "Screen Tab" I have the "Full Screen Mode" box checked and "% of screen to show slide images" set to 100%. Can anyone tell me what "Windowed Mode" is used for and also what does the bottom section of the Screen Tab titled "Background" do? As you can probably tell I am fairly new to this, so apologies if these appear to be silly questions. Regards Chas
  2. Hi, I have several PTE presentations made with a image size of 1024 x 768 x 72 which completely filled my Desktop PC's monitor. I have now purchased a Dell laptop with a 17" monitor. The shows still fill the viewing area, but are distorted, (elongated) to fit. I have tried different resolution settings within the display driver, but to no effect. Can anyone tell me how to display the shows at the 4:3 ratio to avoid the elongated effect?. Do I now have to resize my images to a different resolution for future PTE shows? Any help / advice would be most welcome. Regards Chas
  3. Hi, Thanks to your help I have redone two shows. I am pleased with the results. I have used "Audacity" to convert the wav files. However I can't find the setting for 128kbps. I have used 44,100Hz and 32-bit float. Is 32-bit float "best quality" or should I be looking in another "menu" for the 128kbps setting. I aplogise in advance if these are basic questions, but I am still learning the "Audio" side of the game. Regards CHAS
  4. Hi, Thanks for all the replies. I will try some experimenting of my own. I did not realise about using "stereo, 44,100HZ, constant bit rate and 128kbps (or 96)" etc. I will try the above settings. Again many thanks for your help. Regards CHAS
  5. Hi, I have encountered a strange problem. I have created several of slideshows with added music saved as .wav. This made the final projects very large (90 to 100 MB). As I want to put these on a website I deleted the .wav file and replaced with the same music, but saved as a .mp3 file. This is where the problem started!!!!!. The .mp3 file was a shorter duration?????. Actual example: .wav was duration 7:24 when viewed in Adobe Audition. This file was then saved as mp3 and showed the same duration of 7:24. In P2E the "Music Tab" showed the .wav file as 7:24. All well so far. Removed .wav file and Added .mp3 file. Music duration now shows 6:55. When viewed in the Timeline window Music end is 6:55, but the Music duration (shown at the bottom of the Customise Sync window) is different again, showing 7:22. Obviously the sync of all the slides is now different etc. Am I going mad???? Can anyone offer any advice on how to remove the .wav files and insert an .mp3 file without any problems???? Any help / Advice would keep me sane. I have tried the same with a different slideshow, with similar results!!!! Very frustrated. CHAS
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