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Everything posted by Nottingham_Blancs

  1. Peter, yes a hppy ending. Once I do an AV I am all enthusiastic to do another. I find the resolution stuff all very complicated...you can set resolution for screen and images in the project options, but then you can resize your images to various pixel sizes outside of pic2exe.....how complicated is that to get your head around !! Anyway thanks for all the assistance
  2. Well six months after buying my new laptop I finally installed Pictures to Exe again. I followed the instructions on these forums and it took me all of 2 minutes. I've just done an AV of a recent family occassion and it worked well. Thanks all for your help.
  3. Peter and Paul Thanks to both of you for replying to my posting. I'll try the re-install and re-register ASAP (I'm still trying to get all my other software re-installed too - what a process 7 years worth of data and applications to sort out). Thanks again for the reassurance. I'll let you know how I get on. Phil
  4. Hi All I have just bought a new windows 7 laptop. My old machine was windows XP and was running pic2exe version 4.46 I have read the FAQ questions about migrating to a new machine and I have a copy of the pic2exe registration key (the one that updates rhe register) Is the process for windows 7 the same as described in the FAQ? I'm a little nervous about migrating to my new machine, but want I to continue using the brilliant product and my old lapptop is an old well worn machine that now runs rather slow (7 years old !!!) Many thanks in anticipation of your help. Regards Phil
  5. Bonsoir Patrick Tres Bien An excellent presentation. The colours are vibrant and the composition of some of your images are excellent. My favourite bits are when the image transitions (mosiac ???) change to the dramatic beat of the drums. Thanks for posting. Regards, Phil , Nottingham, England
  6. Thanks Ken, very impressive, my first two posts on this forum and you have replied to both. Thanks
  7. Thanks Ken, I'm a new member and only purched PTE at the weekend. My first DVD burn had the Pinaccle box ticked, even though I used Nero on the resultant file (i thought you had to select one box, didn't realise you could select 'none'). The DVD played fine but did have a little shimmer on a few slides. Next time i'll try unchecking all the boxes and also unchecking interlaced video option too Thanks for the assistance, much appreciated. Regards, Phil, Nottingham, UK
  8. Peter I noticed you said you used Nero for DVD burning. I too used Nero, one question though, which option(s) do you tick from the boxes that read 'For Adobe Encore DVD" , "For Pinaccle Studio", "For ULEAD DVD"....in fact does it make a difference? Regards Phil, Nottingham UK
  9. Hi Everyone I purchased P2E at the weekend and built my first slideshow. Wife was amazed at my first attempt (which must be a good sign, because she is normally hard to please and is not a big fan of computers !!!) and insisted I burnt the show to DVD (used Nero for that) to show her parents. My fist show had one MP3 file as background music. What I want to do now is have two or three MP3 music tracks in the show, but only use 1 or 2 minutes from each ripped file from my music CD e.g play middle 90 seconds of first song fade into 2 mins from next song fade into 60 seconds of third song etc. I expect that I will have to manipulate the MP3 tracks in a music editor befor adding the new files into P2E. Can any member reccomend an MP3 / WAV file editor (open source / freeware preferred) that will do the trick. I was following a thread that mentioned Audacity, will that do the trick or are there any others out there? Thanks in anticipation of your help. Regards, Phil , Nottingham, UK
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