Thanks all. I'll try the copy and pasting from the CD to the "other" hard drive and run from there to see what happens. It's not that I don't want everyone sitting around the computer watching's just that they don't all live here to watch it on my computer which right now seems to be the only one that it plays sync'd on. This is all new to I said...I've only done two of them...and they both have had this same problem. Maybe I'm just not understanding how the program works. I bought the program from an on-line vender so I have no manual to thumb through...I just jumped in a gave it a try. As far as how I sync'd it....I added all my slides to the story board, picked out my music in the order I wanted it to play, then hit preview...when it came to a slide that needed the timing adjusted to fit with what words were being sung at that exact time I would highlight the frame, and adjust the frame time...and then hit preview again...and it would start at beginning again....and I would do it all over again for each frame. It was find in the beginnning....but after making adjustments 30 pictures into the start burning a lot of time waiting for it to preview all that you've already seen just to get to the last frame you adjusted to see if ya got it right. So yes....I would say I'm doing it the hard, long way....and I'd be up for trying the easy way if anyone wants to walk a newbie through it. Thanks April