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  1. Hi Again, I have just heard from Igor and have received my key!! Thanks a million. Cynthia
  2. Hi there, I purchased PicstoEXE on Thursday afternoon and I still haven't received my key for it. I have used this product before and like it very much. I purchased the Deluxe version so that I could burn DVDs. Any suggestions here? Cynthia
  3. Hi Alan, My husband eventually found the problem after I was totally frustrated by it all. It seems that on some of the slides I had clicked "play background music". Once we removed that all seemed to work fine. Thanks for your advice. Cynthia
  4. Hi everyone, I am really hoping that someone out there can help me. I have to have a show ready in three hours. I have all the music synced to the show but everytime I try and run a preview of the show I keep getting this message: "You should disable personalized music of slides to activate synchronization by music" I am completely stumped as to what to do here - can anyone help? Thanks. Cynthia PS When I run the play on the timeline, it is fine
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