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Everything posted by ford

  1. Al yes it's where you said in "Customize slide". Igor yes it works project options - main - set 0 sec & 200ms effect - uncheck "Enable transition effects" option. Al & Igor thank you
  2. would like to show them in PTE in QUICK succession to simulate movement. Is it possible please? yes it can be done ''only'' in pte v 4.48 as there is no '' quick'' transition effect in v 5.5 beta will do one for you to see - fill a glass with water images + 2 for setting in pte use pause & arrows to see images one at a time press ' esc.'' or ''X'' to stop image quality not great it's just a quick demo all best web site http://www.wpg.pro.ie for download size 1.72mb p/s Igor, can you put '' quick'' transition effect in next beta 5 great job Igor and team
  3. Jim width 995 pixels height 1500 pixels save as jpeg quality 6 size 116kb for landscape size 2400 x 1500 have also tried 1024 x 768 also very good for landscape size 2400 x 1600 Igor gave these sizes in one of his posts on beta V 5.0 images like 2500x1600 require see PicturesToExe v5.00 beta #2 for screen - ( project options ) screen cover screen - 15.9 pc Ignatius
  4. Hi Andy. yes one image & 5 copies now i have 6 images then open each image in '' Objects & Animation '' and add more copies of same photo. made this to show some friends what this prog. will do and much more to come. ignatius
  5. Hello everyone, first show one flower is used in this show PTE V 5.2 file size 557 kb link image of flower http://www.wpg.pro.ie comments welcome. Ignatius
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