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Teri F.

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  1. Okay...NEVER MIND... Microsoft's newest updates are BAD BAD BAD... Just google vercslid.exe!!! It wasn't pic2exe at all... I had hundreds of .exe's in my computer, working, creating havoc. If anyone is experiencing issues with your pc this week, that's why. Just a conincidence that I downloaded pic2exe and had a microsoft update nearly the same hour. t.
  2. I'm DESPERATE! Please tell me if you've ever heard of this. Shortly after downloading the latest version of pic2exe on my computer, I started having issues. When I do a system restore back to before I had the program, my computer is fine again. But the following issues keep recurring and I have to CONTINUE to do a system restore: While online, I input a wesite url in the address line; I hit enter; NOTHING happens except that the address stays highlighted. If I use a site from FAVORITES, it's fine. Just as long as I don't have to hit enter! And ALSO...I now can't open any documents in WORD! (!!!???) I have a brand new computer...PC...2 months old. Any settings or something I don't know about??? Anyone else have any issues like this? Please help??? Thanks in advance... Teri
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