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Everything posted by laura.pearce

  1. Can any one tell me when using version 5 (BETA) how you set your slide show so that you fade out one piece of music and introdcuse another piece of music so your slide show can run through with 2 pieces of music with a subtle change.
  2. I have recently downloaded the new version of Pictures to Exe v 5.00 Beta from v 4.47 and I now find that presentations created in v 4.47 cannot be played in v5.00 Beta and vice versa. Is there any way that I can convert my old slide shows created in v 4.47 so that they will play on v 5.00 Beta and be further edited using the newer available functions in v 5.00 Beta.
  3. I have recently installed the new version of Picture to Exe 5.00 Beta and I cannot work out how to add text to slides. Also how to add blank slides so that you can fade pictures in. Any ideas Laura Pearce
  4. OK I am trying to do a similiar thing but have not even managed to find out how to do the one page menu show from which to launch my slide shows. What I want to do is to be able to start a slide show without it starting at P to E and having all the operating tools showing. Basically click the icon and away it goes. Help any ideas !!!!
  5. Thank you I will try that..... Thank you I will try that....
  6. I have recently started with Pictures to Exe and I would like to know how you get a presentation onto a separate start up screen with an icon so that when you click on that icon it will automatically start the presentation....
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