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Everything posted by smurfsdad

  1. Thanks much guys....Got it! Jerry
  2. Hate to even ask this question of all you experienced users. I'm creating a slide show for my daughter's high school graduation Sunday. I'd like to be able to push a key to pause the slide show on a given photo, then hit another to resume play. I found where I can designate a right or left mouse click to pause, but can't see how to resume play again. Thanks for any help. Jerry
  3. My daughter is graduating from high school in June. I want to create a slideshow to have running at her graduation party. It will show pictures of her at preschool through 12th grade. It'll also have scanned pictures of "projects and homework" that her Mom has saved over the years. I'd like to have the slides appear as scrapbook pages, frames, etc to make the pictures interesting. Anyone have any suggestions for me? Would appreciate any advice. Thanks very Much.
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