I tried checking binary mode and the transfer just finished. It still doesn't work. This is the log file from SmartFTP Remote file exist check: "lindsayandlauren.exe". [17:59:35] TYPE I [17:59:35] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary [17:59:35] SIZE lindsayandlauren.exe [17:59:35] 550 Can't check for file existence [17:59:35] PASV [17:59:36] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,72,168,82,44,34) [17:59:36] Opening data connection to Port: 11298 [17:59:36] STOR lindsayandlauren.exe [17:59:36] 150 Accepted data connection [18:28:32] 55291904 bytes transferred. (31.0 KB/s) (00:28:56) [18:28:32] 450-Error during write to file: Disk quota exceeded [18:28:32] 450 lindsayandlauren.exe partially uploaded [18:28:32] Transfer failed. [18:28:32] TYPE A [18:28:32] 200 TYPE is now ASCII [18:28:32] PASV [18:28:32] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,72,168,82,43,247) [18:28:32] Opening data connection to Port: 11255 [18:28:32] MLSD [18:28:32] 150 Accepted data connection [18:28:32] 472 bytes transferred. (9.80 KB/s) (47 ms)