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Heather Forcier

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Everything posted by Heather Forcier

  1. I just downloaded the new release and have a few basic questions. 1. Is there a way to get the view the same every time I open PTE? I like the horizontal view without the new folder tree on the left. I am having to change that every time. 2. I don't want PTE to resize my photos for me - I create them at exactly the size I want. Right now, unless I click on "original" for each individual photo, it is stretching them to fit the screen. I don't want to have to do that with each photo, is there a way to do it globally? 3. Can someone point me to a simple tutorial for just the pan and zoom effects? I am preparing an updated article on this program for our website and appreciate any insight you can provide. Thanks!
  2. I offer PTE for sale via our website, www.NatureScapes.Net, and as a long-time user of the program try to offer as much support as I can. Today I received an email from a customer who got numerous errors when creating a slideshow in ver. 4.45, with the same errors even after upgrade to ver. 4.48. This is a list of the errors: Exception E Access Violation in module Bosque del Apache at03-05-06-music-295sl.exe at 0006AC45 Access violation at address 0046AC45 in module 'Bosque del Apache 03-05-06-music-295sl.exe' Read od address CD640AEC I have not heard of these and was hoping someone could provide some insight here. I cannot simulate the errors myself. Thanks.
  3. Nice job, Lin! Your presentation certainly highlights some neat possibilities!
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