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Everything posted by wideangle

  1. Barry The creative process is in the decision-making of which beats to attach slides to, and in the way they appear (maybe instant, or fading in etc). There is no creativity in identifying where those beats are in the piece of music. If the software could mark the position of each beat automatically, it would save the slight hit and miss approach and tweaking that you have to use in your method. (I hasten to add that I have used the same method as you on occasions.) Also, somewhere else in another thread, you mentioned that your method is straightforward for people who can clap their hands to the music, but you also point out that some people are not able to do this. Such a facility would help them. Regards wideangle
  2. Gotcha! Thanks for that. Regards wideangle
  3. Hi JudyKay and Davegee Davegee - You beat me to it! I was just about to refer to going into O&A, clicking on the item, then using the drop-down menu in the properties tab, which automatically opens the file location for you. On your follow-up point, you mention creating a Template. I haven’t really been able to get my head round the benefits of Templates compared with doing a Backup in Zip. Are you able at some point, to outline the advantages/disadvantages of one over the other, as both achieve putting assets in a single folder. Why do we have both options? Regards wideangle PS Sorry to distract from JudyKay’s original point.
  4. I was just reminding myself a bit more about styles, and came up with this, if anyone would care to use it. You could apply it to a single 16x9 slide to introduce a title, or maybe a sequence of slides as a general presentation. Regards wideangle Frame and Spot.ptestyle
  5. Lin You've totally hit the nail on the head there. I suppose it's a sign of the high-speed society in which we now live. Regards wideangle
  6. Hi everybody, At one point I was trying to build a jigsaw with the pieces appearing in sync with the beats in the background music, doing it manually. Having this sort of automatic feature would have been so much easier! By the way, are there any hints, tips or tutorials around for manually adding slides to the beat of the music in PTE? I did search around but couldn’t find anything. (My aim had initially been to try to produce a Style for the jigsaw, but there were issues in trying to include audio in a ptestyle) Regards wideangle
  7. Same for me. Thanks Igor. Regards wideangle
  8. Igor Could each installer be called, for example, "picturestoexe-setup-9-0-15.exe" rather than just "picturestoexe-setup.exe" so that retaining previous versions, as davegee does, is more straightforward. Regards wideangle
  9. Hi Daniel I didn't uninstall anything. I just reinstalled 9.0.14. If you look in the thread "9.0.15 F-secure detects a virus......" you will see plenty of discussion and one member has posted a link to 9.0.14 which I used. regards wideangle
  10. Daniel Try reinstalling PTE version 9.0.14 which should work ok. Regards Wideangle
  11. Hi MUR I think Denis is right. My antivirus (Bullguard - see separate thread relating to F-Secure) flagged up an issue with 9.0.15 and when I removed it and tried to reinstall it I kept getting the message that you are getting. It seems to be a false-positive with the antivirus, so I’ve gone back and reinstalled 9.0.14 instead for the time being, and all is well again. Regards wideangle
  12. Thank you. All behaving normally again. Regards wideangle
  13. Igor Same request as jmG-06100 please. Regards wideangle
  14. My antivirus is Bullguard and that is flagging similar issues and quarantining the files. The effect on my PicturesToExe 9.0.15 is that I am not able to run Previews at the moment. Regards wideangle
  15. Lin A lot of time and effort on your part for the benefit of others, and this is what we regularly see from you. Many thanks wideangle
  16. Bernard You only need to follow Lin's comments if you intend to modify and create a new slide style. If you just want to apply Jean-Cyprien's style then, as DaveGee had said, you just apply the style and don't worry about any numbers. Regards wideangle
  17. I was just going to add a comment here but Davegee's input has just disappeared from this thread?? Regards wideangle
  18. The penny has just dropped after reading Davegee's comment again. A MacBook Air I guess?? Regards wideangle (I must get out a bit more!)
  19. Ronnie - same as you, I've never heard of an MBA, and can't find anything that seems relevant on a Google search, so I too would be curious to know. Regards wideangle
  20. Referring back to the original question: As DaveGee has said, you can export and import slide styles, and categories of styles, from within PTE, but only one at a time, so if you have lots of styles this process can take some time. A quicker way is to transfer all of your styles and transitions in one go by using File Explorer in Windows. By default, the Slide Styles and Transitions folders are in the PicturesToExe folder within your Documents folder. (If not, check your Settings>Preferences>Templates settings in PTE) Simply take a copy of these folders and keep them as a backup. When you need to, you can write them back to the same place if you ever need to, or even transfer them to another computer. Regards wideangle
  21. There are several favourable opinions here, so I decided to buy it. I straightaway got a pleasant surprise on their website, as they have just launched an end-of-year 20% sale, knocking another £10 off the price of Affinity Photo and of Affinity Designer. That makes it an absolute no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. Regards wideangle
  22. Hi Barry It may be old hat but there is no doubt that it will be around for a long time yet - it's too entrenched. As for a few die-hards, that's not quite accurate if you remember the survey that Igor carried out a while ago. Regards wideangle
  23. Hi John If the folder won't open it looks like some problem with the file navigation system rather than the second .pte file. Out of curiosity, what happens if you start afresh with the second pte file and use that to open Videobuilder - can you then get to the other pte file in the navigation system? Barry I hear what you say about DVDs, but there are still lots of people out there who don't have smart tvs or gadgetry to play mp4s, and who still make good use of Dvds. It's horses for courses - you left Dvds a long time ago because your requirements are very different, especially in terms of quality, but it seems very extreme to say that the option NEEDS to be removed from PTE because you don't have any use for it. Regards wideangle
  24. Hi Barry Yes, I agree 110% with what you say. I only threw the Select subject thing in as an aside. I was more interested in the package as a whole as, from my non-expert point of view, it seems to be a genuine contender to Photoshop in terms of features and support. You also know exactly where you are with cost, compared with Adobe’s habit of inching up the price. I do appreciate that it’s not a big deal for some people but I prefer the non-subscription route. Regards wideangle
  25. Hi Lin That could well be the explanation. Thanks. Regards wideangle
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