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Everything posted by wideangle

  1. Hi Judy Last November I added this comment to Suggestions for next versions: ”In view of the recent request for Drag and Drop within Objects and Animations, and my earlier request for that same feature to be included within Slide Styles, I would like to propose the following. I would like to request that Igor and team look over PTE generally, to see if there are any areas where they think Drag and Drop could be introduced to speed up activities, including those already identified. Any software package is better if things can be achieved in a quicker and shorter way, and Drag and Drop actions usually help significantly in this respect.” Yes, I agree with you. I think Drag and Drop would be a huge timesaver in this area as well. Favourites is also a good idea, but wouldn’t personally be at the top of my list of priorities at the moment. Regards wideangle
  2. Slide styles (and Themes) are becoming very popular and more and more useful. It's likely that users will eventually have a sizeable collection, so I would like to see the introduction of subfolders for Style categories in order to make their organisation more manageable. Regards wideangle
  3. Igor It's good to hear that you are planning to include this in a future version. Regards wideangle
  4. Hi Richard This is what Igor said a few weeks ago. https://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/topic/21890-plans-for-mac-version/?tab=comments#comment-143109 Regards wideangle
  5. I’ve had lockups on two separate occasions now, where the timeline has frozen. Fortunately, it’s not been too important, as all I was doing was familiarising myself with new ideas. The lockups occurred while I was going through the following: I started a new project and added a few jpg and mp4 video slides. Went to timeline view and separated the audio from the video slides. Deleted those audios. I then added two or three mp3 audio files as background music. Lockups sometimes occurred after that while I was dragging those audio files to create cross fades. The audio files were mp3s recorded at 192 and 256 bps so nothing unusual about them. Interestingly, even though the timeline was frozen, I could still go to the menu bar at the top of the screen and still use that. So far I can’t reproduce the situation, but wondered if anyone else had noticed this? Regards wideangle
  6. Igor That's very very impressive! Regards wideangle
  7. That’s a very lovely gesture, Igor. Good luck and good health, Jeff, and enjoy PTE10. Regards wideangle
  8. I support that as well. Regards wideangle
  9. That's my system too - you can then revert to whatever stage you like. On completion of the project just delete the redundant saves. I've always avoided Autosave in any program. Regards wideangle
  10. Still getting to grips with the Affinity suite, particularly Affinity Publisher. Some good tutorials here for anyone interested: https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/tutorials/publisher/desktop/ One neat and interesting feature of Affinity Publisher is that if you also have Designer and Photo installed, you can access the tools and functionality of those two packages without leaving Publisher. Regards wideangle
  11. Seems like a useful addition. Regards wideangle
  12. Well done to everybody involved. Keep up the good work and standards on what is already a top-class product. Regards wideangle
  13. I’ve been making use of a few old projects, changing, rebuilding and reshowing, while testing beta 10. All good so far. Regards wideangle
  14. Serif have just released the third element of the Affinity family of programs. It is Affinity Publisher, which links with the existing Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo, and which are very serious rivals to certain other well-known programs! It is a no-subscription package, and is currently on a special introductory price offer of less than £40, which I think is a real bargain. For anyone interested, take a look at the many video offerings around. Regards wideangle
  15. Hi Steve Load up your project into PTE on your current computer. Go to File -> Create Backup in zip (This will collect all your files for you, assuming that you haven’t moved them since the project was created). Copy the zipped file onto your other computer, unzip it, and away you go. Regards wideangle
  16. Quicker and smoother for me in the main window interface. I didn't think I'd go for the dark mode, but after using it for a while I now prefer it. Regards wideangle
  17. Some TVs, maybe older ones, can chop off the outside edges of your presentation. The shaded area just gives you an indicator of what might disappear. You can cancel it, as Denis indicates. Regards wideangle
  18. Thinking of Ken as well. Regards wideangle
  19. That’s very good news for you Lin. All the best. Regards wideangle
  20. png? Regards wideangle
  21. It’s the Objects and Animations feature within PTE. Regards wideangle
  22. Lin From my own point of view, I agree entirely with what you say about overkill. Since I stopped at CS6, I have looked at the developments in Photoshop from that point, and have asked myself the question "Would I personally really have used that feature?" and the answer has been inevitably No. I know there are people around who feel that they must have the latest version of everything for whatever reason, whether they use it or not, but not me. Regards wideangle
  23. Lin I too stopped buying Photoshop when the subscription scheme was introduced. I've continued to use CS6, which still satisfies all my needs, although there do seem to be a couple of contenders in the marketplace to have a look at. On1 is one of them. ( I do notice that they have a subscription Plus version as well, which suggests that you don't get all the bells and whistles with the bought package). Barry You may or may not be right, but I think there have been significant shifts away from the subscription Photoshop CC for the hobbyist and general enthusiast. I recently attended The Photography Show at the NEC in the UK, which, as you know, is a major show in this country. I didn't sit in on any closed theatre presentations because I only made a last-minute decision to go, and those presentations had to be pre-booked. However, there were plenty of open theatre presentations, and I sat in on several, and for the first time ever, I saw no use of Photoshop or Lightroom. Indeed, Adobe in the past, have had a major presence at this show, with one of the largest theatres, and they weren't even in attendance this year. One of the larger theatres was doing a presentation of Affinity Photo, and this was proving popular, with standing room only. (Another contender to have a look at I think, as a single payment package.) For the features it offers, I personally think it is a bargain buy, and as it was being offered at a one-off payment special Show price of £25 (!!!), there is no wonder that the sales counter was busy. I chatted to lots of people throughout the day, mainly amateur users and enthusiasts like myself, and would estimate (although not statistically significant!) that three quarters of those who used Photoshop had not moved into the subscription version. Maybe that is why Adobe had decided to drop this show as a lost cause, because in the main it is regarded as a show for enthusiasts. I hasten to say that the people I spoke to tended to be hobbyists, but I would expect that the real professional users have moved along with Photoshop and Lightroom automatically. Why wouldn't they? Does anyone else who attended that show have any opinions? Regards wideangle
  24. Hi TC Unless you have changed the default pathnames, the folders containing your Slide Styles, Templates and Transitions are all to be found by following Documents -> PicturesTo Exe. I guess that these must have got deleted or corrupted at some point. From my point of view, as I build up new Styles and Transitions etc, every so often I will go in there and take a backup copy of those three folders, so that if anything were to happen, I could always copy them back into that folder. Regards wideangle
  25. Treasured memories for sure, Lin, and some beautiful pieces. Take care. Regards wideangle
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