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Everything posted by kgash

  1. Thank you for your reply. I understand that the entire project should be in one folder. I want to set a different folder to be the default folder that PTE saves the project in. Now it automatically goes to c:\users\owner\documents.
  2. I am using PTE 6.5 and I would like to set it so that the project file is stored in a folder of my choice as default.
  3. Problem solved. Thanks to all of you who have provided excellent suggestions and help. As it turns out, the video card driver was the culprit. It may have been corrupted or something because when I located and downloaded an updated driver, the problem disappeared. I am now looking for a higher level video card that is more capable of handling the demands of the program. As I progress into creating more and more complex slide shows, I know that I will have some questions and I know that the members of this forum will be able to give me quick, courteous and appropriate assistance. Thank you. Ken Gash
  4. I just checked the colors setting on my monitors and changed it from Highest (32 bit) to Medium (16 bit) and now the files seem to run correctly. I don't know why this should be the case as all other video applications worked fine at the 32 bit setting. Thanks for all your help. Ken
  5. Well, I disabled Aero and it didn't help. According to my specs, I am running DirectX 11. I also did a comprehensive virus and malware scan. My video card runs HD .mov files without a stutter using several different media players so I am really puzzled why these .exe files (that run great on a 5 year old XP PC) won't run on my relatively new Vista machine. I will look for updated drivers for my video card. Ken
  6. Thanks for your responses. I have tried making small slide shows with small pic files. The TestSlideshow does not work on my PC. I tried it with only one monitor activated and it simply locked the screen.
  7. I have a PC desktop with the following configuration: MS Vista Ultimate, SP2 4 GB Ram Intel Core2 Duo processor E7300, 2.67 GH nVidia GeForce 7300SE/7200GS with G72 3d Accelerator Dual monitors, Acer AL2216W and Viewsonic VP 191b My problem is that any version of PTE higher than 5.5 does not work. I have 5.6, 6.02 and 6.5. When I choose a set of images and hit Preview, the computer hangs. When I hit Create, an exe file is created and saved. It does not run - gives a black screen and I have to use the Task Manager to exit. I also have dual boot on the computer so I went into XP and tried it there with essentially the same results. The exe files created DO work on another PC just fine. I therefore believe that my problem is related to my video system in some way and hope someone out there has a clue or two for me. Thanks in advance, Ken
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