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  1. Thank you so very much. I'm attempting the multiple sequencing. I've created a few exe files and linked them together but when previewing the pte file they don't link together. How can I check the linking of the sequences? Also, I've calculated the duration of each sequence and will shorten the background music to fit appropriately. Using Roxio Sound Editor, I can't seem to fade the music at the end. (I don't want the music to change abruptly between sequences.) Is Audacity the easiest to download and use?
  2. Is it possible to have an mp3 file play for the duration of 50 slides (fading at the end), then a new mp3 file for the next 50 slides (fading), etc. for a total of 400 slides and approx. 8 songs? I'm new to PTE and not quite sure what it's capabilities are. The help screens aren't very helpful.
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