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  1. For what its worth, I have tried to compare some of the features of PTE and PSP on my web site http://www.peakhill.btinternet.co.uk/digit...dio_visual.html I have deliberately not reached a conclusion as so much depends on what you want to do. Personally, I use both programmes. ProShow tends to be my choice for family shows which often include video and PTE is my choice for competition work. regards Keith
  2. Thanks Barry, I understand now. I make all my sequences to fit the widescreen format 1280x720 as this suits my projector, monitor and TV but of course, shown on a 4:3 projector or monitor would produce black top and bottom, and I agree this is not ideal. I asked the question because I thought you might be implying better quality in some way by having separate versions. Keith
  3. Excellent. This is just what I have been waiting for and more or less agrees with my own experiments Keith
  4. In case there is anyone else trying to get through the DVD resolution barrier with PTE 5, I did resolve my problem with the help of a friend. The secret is not to try to produce a mp4 file directly from PTE, but to select Create custom AVI with Audio codec set to No Compression (44 or 48KHz) and video codec set as Pictures to Exe. Set Resolution Width 1280, Height 720, FPS 50Hz and Auto Interlaced Video. Anti-flicker optional. Slect Create AVI . A temporary file is created in whatever folder you chose. Then, without closing down PTE open a suitable MP4 file converter and select the temporary file. I tried TMPGEnc 4 and Smartsoft Video Convertor. Both worked well using XviD codecs. There may be other methods and codecs but, at last, I have a solution that works! Keith
  5. I use a Pinnacle Showcenter to display PTE video sequences at 1280x720 The video accepted by this device is AVI-mp4 or WMV I can make an AVI from PTE5 at this resolution using the XviD codec but cannot get the sound on the Pinnacle Showcenter. Can you tell me which audio codec I should use? Keith
  6. I have been using the XviD codec at 1280x720 with good results. Using the PTE codec at 1920x1080 I get stuttering and the sound is not right. Keith Biggs
  7. I was very disappointed to find the avi version of Versailles was only at DVD quality 720x576. when you made the sequence at 1920x1080 with HDTV in mind. I realize this would be a very large file to download so why not, say, 1280x720? It could then be compared with an exe file of the same resolution. Keith Biggs
  8. Peter I have just watched your sequence. I enjoyed the quality of the images and appreciated your message. But, I must say I didn't expect you ever to use motion effects!! I thought the falling leaves and petals worked well but wasn't sure about the butterflies. Keith
  9. Thanks for the quick reply. I accept that 1280x720 is low but even if I go up to 1920x1080 (the best monitor I could afford) my question remains the same - would there be any advantage in an exe file? I also agree that PTE is capable of very high resolution but this is surely pointless if the monitor/projector cannot display it. Keith Biggs
  10. Sorry for the previous blank post! I have been following this thread with interest. Can someone explain the merits of a sequence created as an exe as opposed to a video file. As I understand it, the exe file is a set of instructions and images for the computer to create the sequence in real time. As a video the computation or rendering has already been done, therefore is less demanding. Until recently an exe file could produce a higher resolution image but is this still true with the new High Definition formats? I can produce a sequence at 1280x720 either way and not see any preference in quality. The point of all this is that the video version would appear to avoid the limitations some people have with their choice of video card and/or cpu. I would be interested to hear if I am missing something! Keith Biggs
  11. A quick, last minute play before we go away! Changing the AVIVideoRender settings does improve quality. For me, above 1280 makes no difference other than increase the video file size. My problem with the on-screen size was due to not cropping accurately to the 16x9 ratio. I also tried other codecs but the only one that works for me is XVid MPEG-4 The quality on a 17" 1280x720 monitor is virtually as good as the .exe version. Seen on a LCD TV it is excellent. Keith
  12. I use 1280x720 for all my sequences. I can't say I understand what is going on with regard to the actual screen size when the Render width/height is changed. It doesn't seem to come out correctly. Correct aspect ratio but smaller than full screen. I am away now for the whole of next week (without a computer) but will get back to this when I return. Keith B
  13. Thank you, Ken I've just rejoined the forum after quite a long break. Will certainly read through the earlier posts. I have produced video files at 1920x1080 but there seems little point for me as the TV will only resolve 1280x720 Keith B
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