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  1. Michel, I agree. A CD has proven not to be the best way to view a show. I also tried making a DVD but the music synch changed a little on playback...enough to make it unacceptable. I used Ulead movie factory and Arcsoft Show Biz. I think that I will buy a USB flash drive storage unit and put it there. Deb
  2. Thanks for the reply Ken, I'll take it to work tomorrow and give it a try. But, the music actually has static in it where it really isn't there when put on a CD. I've tried 3 different executable files and burned it 3 times. I'll also try a differnet brand of CD. My computers here at home are pretty fast and current. Thanks, Deb
  3. Hi all, I have never had this problem before. I have my slide show all ready and every time I burn to a CD the show plays with music that crackles, pops and even drags. They are just little mp3 files and all of my photos are small..ie.,usually less than 100KB. The show plays fine on my computer and another computer that I have it on (it's hard drive). It just won't make a good copy on a CD. Any ideas? Do you think it is the version of PTE..I'm using 4.42. I double checked the music itself and it is fine. Please help..the CD is supposed to be a gift. Deb
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Jim for the information. That helps me understand. Irfanview is working well for this! Deb
  5. Hi all, I can't seem to get this. I know I need a small (ie. < 150kb) photo size. What is the best way to obtain this size and still have good quality from a 5MB photo that will fill the screen at 1024x768? Mine are either jagged after manipulation or not big enough to cover the area of the presentation. I have photoimpact, irfanview, and photo resizer pro to try this with. Also, should I use full size and full resolution images for a DVD presentation or will this cause problems in the video? Thanks for help. Deb
  6. Hi Everyone, I'm replying to my own post because I have figured it out myself. I must have created an exe.file of my show first then was trying to work with it. When I made a new show and without even previewing the entire show, hit the video button, it did create the needed avi file. Then it worked well with the ulead program version 3. Deb
  7. Hi all, I have been reading posts about this for 2 days. I cannot get this video function to work. I create the slide show and click the video button. Then it prompts me to open the avi file (which it is not) in Ulead or something else. Well, I try to open it in Ulead and it tells me that the file format is not correct. What am I doing wrong that the video button does not create an avi file. My file is title_vid527.ptev Please advise. Thanks, Deb
  8. nobeefstu, Thanks for the help!
  9. Paul, I have been away from the forum for a while and have just now viewed your wedding slideshow. I must say, that when I downloaded it and I saw that it was almost 30 MB..I was thinking, "this had better be good". After it was over, I was thinking.."I wish there was more". You did a wonderful job on the music and the timing. Your old photos look good too. I have to scan photos from an old 110 camera from way back in the 70s sometimes and the quality is awful before and therefore pretty much afterwards also. This kind of presentation is always a hit at the wedding reception! Good Job.
  10. Is it possible to control the presence of shadow on an individual slide? (ie., I want a show with a white background and shadow on most of the photo slides, EXCEPT I want no shadow at all on pre-made text slides) Thanks
  11. Bill, I have had great success controlling length of multiple songs as well as fades with these two programs : http://www.logiccell.com/~mp3trim/ http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
  12. Thanks Lin, I'll try to answer this question. I take all my photos on the 'fine' setting which gives me a size of 2048x1536 pixels. I display at 96 ppi on the monitor when I'm viewing them in Photoimpact. The MB size is usually 1MB or greater per photo. Your information will help me I'm sure..I'll try it.
  13. I can't seem to get this correct. I have digital photos that are saved at 1000 to 1200 KB as compressed JPG. They will make a beautiful full screen slide show and play well from the hard drive, then not so well when copied to CD. I run my resolution on a 21 inch screen at 1024x768 pixels. When I try to decrease the file size of a slide..I make it smaller through decreasing the dimensions..but it will always show as an image that is not full screen. In the project options, if I set it to display any slide at full screen it will decrease the quality (at least on my monitor) to somewhat unacceptable. Is there something I can do to make a full screen slide with good quality..I have a feeling I'm not grasping something with basic photo manipulation technique.
  14. Thanks, Guido
  15. Guru, I have never downloaded a beta version of pte. I would like to try it, but I didn't want to overwrite my current version with the beta. Is it supposed to look like trial software and talk about registration keys,etc. when it is located elsewhere on a computer. I don't want to mess up my current registration key that gives me free upgrades. Thanks, Deb
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