Paul T
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Everything posted by Paul T
Thanks for putting the link up Ken.......... We don't make mistakes
I've not posted any shows for a very long time now but thought this may be worth showing but possibly more of interest to those in the trade. It shows the procedure in carving two natural stone urns for a building renovation project in London that my company is doing. The presentation is in monochrome and the photos were mainly taken by myself but also by Ray (my son) and Kevin which some were taken on mobile phones so the quality is not so good with some of the images. My part in production was just the carving element on one Urn. I think this presentation goes to prove that there are relatively young craftsman still about that can produce such architectural work pieces like these classical stone urns.
Charlie FANTASTIC Paul
Thanks for your constructive comments and looking at the presentation again I agree with you in both cases and ask myself what possessed me to include such a technically poor quality image in the presentation. Also the intro pan is distracting and I'm about to rectifie both these very soon. However , pleased you enjoyed most of it. Paul
What a fascinating presentation Peter, held my attention throughout and now know a lot more about lead mining. Great show well constructed, and an informative narration. Paul
It is a nice location and it's free to walk around. The good weather did help to enhance the photographs. I did visit the same place about 20 years ago and the weather was overcast which didn't help me produce very good images that time so my revisit did work out well this time. Thanks for your comments. Paul
Went to the Netherlands last week for three days to a wedding anniversary so took the opportunity to take a few photos of this open air museum not far from Amsterdam. The weather was perfect although windy (ideal for the windmills) Zaans Schans Zaandam Holland is an open air museum with a collection of traditional Dutch houses & windmills. The presentation is approximately four minutes long,twenty nine images and at a screen resolution of 1920x1200. Paul http://beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=2080
Breathtakingly magnificent! Pans and zooms have been done to the correct amount in my view. Without it the show would have lost it's impact. Well done! Paul
An enchanting,vibrant and beautiful presentation as usual Maureen.I went about three years ago to see the Venice Carnival and would love to return and spend longer than two days next time. Thanks again for a great presentation. Paul
What a nice presentation, beautiful light and very suitable music. I should have liked to see a longer show as this type of subject is close to my heart being a stonemason. Paul
What a beautiful presentation Maureen. About three years a go I went to see the Venice Carnival and did come back with many photo's of the famous tourist areas which every one wants to visit and take photo's of. However, you've done the opposite, searched the hiden Venice and come away with images to enable you to produce an outstanding visual presentation. Paul
Thanks! you are correct and will change it.
I agree, It's now a hundred years today it sunk and out of respect for the dead the wreck should be left alone now, it's been plundered by too many people.
Thanks for that glad you liked it. I did a agreat amount of work in photoshop with the model to creat the sea and the wash from the boat. Also the night shots, plus a little artistic licence with the moon. I did buy Helicon focus with the intention of doing macro stacks but not taken any yet. Paul
On the 15th April 2012 will be the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic which has had much publicity in the media in the last few weeks. So I’ve put together a collection of old photo’s from books and incorporated them with some photos I took of the 350th scale model I made about twenty years ago. For the technically minded the photo’s were taken on a tripod with a plain background. To obtain the full length of the Titanic in focus I used a program called “Helicon Focus” and “Helicon remote” which allows you to take a series of photo’s (I set it for 12) automatically at predetermined focus points from the bow to the stern operated by the laptop connected to the camera. Once you have the raw files the program will then allow you to stack the image layers and blend them together and the result is outstanding. This is my tribute for all those who perished. The show is only three minutes thirteen seconds long and is at a screen resolution 1920x1200 and is 56.4 MB in size http://beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=2068
Beautiful! You have shown us what a magnificent country we live in by this wonderful presentation. Paul
Excellent presentation Patrick Liked the music as well as it fitted the visual experience you created. You also conveyed the troubled past of this city with the injection of sound bites and diagrams. Really found it fascinating and educational. Paul
Last month my wife and I went to a photographic exibition "Shaped By War" by Don Mcullin at the imperial war museum in London and whilst there spent some time looking around the museum as well and took some photo's of the exhibits. Although I had not gone to the museum with the intention of taking photo's to produce a slide show and had not suitable equipment to do so I did manage to produce something in the end. Most of the photo's have been take between 800 & 6,000 iso. all converted from RAW files shot with a Nikon D7000 16-80 lens.Some shots are four images stitched together to make a panorama so as to allow a wide angle pan. I know this subject only appeals to a limited number of people but it is nice to produce stuff on a subject that is of interest to me. http://beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=2048
Ken I feel a little upset that people may think I am sombody else. I AM NOT Paulcl
Hi Calvin This is sure a very modern abstract presentation of Burns and maybe has an acquired taste. However, I would imagine it took some planning to do this presentation and in a strange way I liked it but felt the music too melodic. I think it is important to embrace new creative ways of presenting images, although many will disagree, I personally welcome this brave refreshing controversal show. Paul
Absolutely stunning Maureen! Regards Paul
Yes Rick! I agree about the music after a while it grates on you. I must change it I think. Paul
Very vibrantly paced show and did hold my attention and was nice that you had fitted the photo's to the music at the appropriate sequences, and the music worked well. It is a pity that the public always seem to be behind wire fences these days at this type of event and interrupts the field of vision when panning. However, you did manage to get some good shots without the wire. Have you been to the Festival of Speed at Goodwood? that does allow you to take great shots without fencing in the way . Thanks for the show anyway and hope to see more motoracing presentations. Paul
Pleased you liked it Lin. Yes! I was lucky on that day and when I went to Beijing as well that the polution was not so bad although I had worked on some of the images to reduce a slight haze on the shots across the river to the city buildings. Paul
This is a collection of photo's taken at the water front in Shanghai and in the old area of the city which is a different world from the wealth of the modern part.This is a fantastic City full of life and colour as you will see from the sequence on the river at night. Paul http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/ PS I do have more but I don't want to overdose you all on the wonders of China.