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Everything posted by rakn
Hi Johnny, I just enjoyed your presentation (my pc was busy almost all night with the download ...). You captured the feeling of "being there". And the closeup images provided a welcome change to the overview images, all of them tastefully put together. Thanks for sharing. Ragnar
I would like to use "dynamic blur" in the same way as the pzr parameters are designed. Today, blur is per object but it is just "on" or "off". It would be great if you could change the amount of blur (0 - 100 %) for different objects from keypoint to keypoint. Would it be possible to extend the "pzr" concept to "pzrb" ? Ragnar
Lin, That was just what I needed to get started. A great help, thanks. By the way, have you noticed if the "perspective correction for zoom" has any effect when using any of the non-linear effects ? I have not been able to see any difference with or without it. Ragnar
I would appreciate if I could set my own default values for PTE to use. Lets say that I almost always will use "smoothe" (or some of my own created) speed schemes for animations, and always want "separate here" (not glue). These are just an example, there are many default values in PTE that that could use my suggested feature : - A pte.ini file where you set your own default values, or a menu selectable setup window for PTE defaults. Ragnar
As usual : you have an interesting theme, great technical and artistic talent, and beautiful images that you show in a very creative way. The result is just wonderful. I look forward to your next presentation... Ragnar
Stephane, Amazing, wonderful, beautiful ... Tres bien. Thank you for sharing, your shows are so inspiring. Ragnar
On my whishlist is this : - Syncronized music in combination with slide-specific individual ("personal") sounds. Ragnar
Al (and Peter Coles), You are right (of course). "Sync to music" was the solution. Thanks Ragnar
Until now I have been using V5 beta 8u, and I have created a few shows with it. When I open one of these in beta 9, the "small preview button" (preview from current slide) does not work like before. With beta 8u, the preview started from the correct slide and the music started at the corresponding position. With beta 9, it starts the preview from the correct slide, but the music starts from the very beginning of the soundtrack... I know we have a quite new sound engine in beta 9, so things may work differently. And possibly there is some kind of workaround. At least I hope so ... Any ideas about this ? Ragnar
Hello Stephane, Both shows are fantastic, a pleasure to the eye and ear. Inspiring, pure art. I wish I knew, just a little, how you do this. You must promise to let us see all of your future productions. Ragnar
So many excellent cameras are being produced and sold today, but there is only one good slideshow software (for ordinary consumers). What would we do with our images without PTE ? Not so much ... Ragnar
Hi Paul, I just watched your show, and I really liked it. - A good idea to start with, you found a story to tell us with your images - Well composed images, good resolution, exposure and quality (most of them) - The pace was perfect for me, no stress - Just the right amount, not too much, of "PTE magic" (the clouds passing by) - The music supported the show very well Just some remarks : The first image had a light stroke at the bottom of my screen (1920x1200) to start with, but it faded away as the whole image became lighter A few images had some kind of noise (jpg artifacts ?) in the blue sky I would have liked some info on the music Ragnar
Hello Bernard, Nice work of yours with both camera, Photoshop and PTE. And you really had some fantastic scenery from that helicopter. Maybe I would have liked the images to show for a little longer time though, I was not ready with the present image when the next one came in. I must get myself a pair of 3D glasses so I can see the 3D version also. /Ragnar
Hi Vichka, I just watched all three of your shows. It is most fascinating to see what the world looks like in far away places. And you really have a fantastic nature to explore. Nice images too, I mostly liked the one with a mountain with millions of flowers in front of it. I think the pictures could have been a little larger (it was too much black background around the pictures). Perhaps you have used the "disable scaling" option ? Ragnar
Bernard and Neil, Thank you for your kind comments. I found that the music was the most difficult part, because of the copyright issue. And most of the royalty free stuff i have found on the net sounds a bit like "elevator music", I think. But at last I found an exception, and with a perfect duration for my show also. Ragnar
Hi all, My first "official" show is now available on Beechbrook : "Norwegian Skies". We spent some nights in a caravan at the Norwegian coast last summer when a sudden weather change came up. Times like that are just great (provided that you have your camera with you and the time to use it). The show is 9 minutes long but rather large (63MB), because I wanted to keep image sizes and quality. Thanks to all of you who have contributed in terms of helpful advice, and raster tools at Beechbrook etc. Ragnar
Hi Geoff, I just watched yor show. Nice images, especailly the flower closeups. And the images almost filled my widescreen monitor, I like that. Many shows use a lot of the screen area for framing which, in my opinion, reduces the overall impression. Having English a my second language, I had some difficulties to pick up your words though. Ragnar
Peter and Maureen, Thank you for your most useful advice. The links you provided lead me to pages with very interesting shows/competitions. I had no idea that the AV world was such a big thing. And I found a good source of free music : http://www.incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/index.html Also, Maureen, I enjoyed your sequences. And Peter, your "Fragile Earth" is one of my favourites. Ragnar
Thank you Ian, I will check the links you provided, and try to keep me informed. Ragnar
Thank you for the information Ian. I must say I envy you UK residents, and others, where there is so much going on in the AV area. I have never heard of anything like an AV event in Sweden ... Do you know any good source of information if I want to keep track of what is happening in Europe ? Who knows, perhaps it could be part of some future vacation trip. Ragnar
Is the Sirja Lamia sequence hosted somewhere on the Internet for public viewing ? I think it would be most interesting to see, so I did some searching but without result. Ragnar
Hi Lin, Some time ago I suggested a feature that could blur an object in the same way that you can set the opacity. That way you could save a lot of Photoshop work and duplicate images, if you for example want an image to become a blurred background for the next images. See original posting Perhaps this could serve your purpose as well. Ragnar.
To Igor and team, I think PTE is without competition because of its video quality and effective use of the pc hardware, and I really look forward to testing the new features that you are preparing for us. Your work is generating so much joy allover the globe. Thank you all. Ragnar
Hello Bernard, I enjoyed your slideshow, really nice photos and the soundtrack was supporting them very well. Did you mix and edit the music in any way, or was it "out of the box" ? I wonder, because the music "followed" the pictures so well, especially in the part where the shark bacame visible. It is so fascinating to sit here in snowy Sweden and see what it looks like under the water in Madagaskar (and all other places one can "visit" via the forum members material). Ragnar
Al, Yes, I suppose it has something to do with "Synch to music", although checking/unchecking this has no impact on the problem (and it shouldn't as it's not implemented yet). And no, I have no connection with the Wantage Camera Club. Did you see an image like my "balcony" image by them ? Funny, my image has never left my home until tonight. Perhaps some Wantage member has visited Ponta Delgada on the Azores, where I took the picture in 2005. I rested the camera in my knee, while composing the picture through the tft screen, which on my camera is foldable in any direction. I thought this would be a discrete way of taking the picture, but as you saw I was being observed :-) Watch out for ladies with binoculars ! Ragnar