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Peter Coles

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Everything posted by Peter Coles

  1. "This I did by browsing the PTE 5.0 folder and clicking on Reg.txt and the indication was that I had successfully registered." Now, when I do that I get "Invalid or damaged key"
  2. Where is the VideoBuilder folder ? Does this come down with the other key on purchasing the upgrade?
  3. What "drop down menue"? All I see is a box informing me about PTE I have already purchased the Delux Upgrade and obtained the key which when I try and apply in the video or DVD box I get "Invalid or damaged key"!
  4. HELP Having used PTE for ages, I thought I would upgrade to the delux verion as I need to make a couple of Sequences into DVDs. I purchased the upgrade. I followed the instructions: Run PTE Clicked "Help" Clicked "Registration" I cannot then find any reference to "Load key" All I get is a box telling me how to buy PTE and what I get for my money. So I clicked "continue". Then "create DVD" I am asked for the key and I am then told it is "Invalid or damaged" HELP
  5. I have already found the answer to my own question - tick synch !!!! Simple - but it had me fooled for a fair few minutes - it might be worth highlighting this for others. I found the answer by reading other problems and cures lower down this list. Maybe I should read more and spend less time making Sequences !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I have made several Sequences using v5 during the range of Betas and now when I open them in 11A, when I try and edit, any section seems to start the sound track from the beginning wherever I want to edit and replay. Is there any "cure" for this, other than completely re-making the Sequence from scratch?
  7. I have just noticed the same "problem" and, as I have now downloaded #9 to replace 8u, presumably I may now need to wait until #10 to be able to edit with precision to match the sound track without going back to the beginning each time - is there any way of downloading and storing #8u once #9 has been downloaded?
  8. I am just coming to terms with my new site! So, do please be patient with me while I get to know how to add and subtract things!!! I usually make Sequences rather than talk about them! Do come along to Capel Curig - all who can - To book contact Marion Waine on mewaine@chasingthelight.co.uk 66 Sequences will be shown during the two days and later 9 of them will grace the IAC Film Festival at The New Wellington Hotel in Tunbridge Wells, Kent on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st April 2007. To whet your appetite, "A Little Place in the Country" by Keith Scott did exceptionally well in Romania and he has what I regard as an even better Sequence which achieves its world premier; "The Expert" by Erhard Hobrecker won a Humour award in Australia and I expect "Dear Boss" by Maurice Guidicelli to give it a run for its money in Capel Curig ans my own "Striped Pyjamas" made recently with Ron Davies has just won the Grand Rrix in Trélazé. Ian Bateman has a couple of excellent entries. many of the works shown in Adelaide will be on show in Capel Curig. Overall we have contributions from 10 countries. Two other ways to keep in touch with AV Events in the UK and beyond - the IAC Film and Video Maker Magazine lists most of what is going on and RPS AV News, which is now available to all - and incidentally this is the sole reason why AV WORLD is now no longer in production - ie that the RPS have, after ten years rescinded their decision to restrict sales of AV News to RPS members. For information about AV News contact joanhorne@blueyonder.co.uk
  9. Excellent. I enjoyed the way you exploited the new transitions. Provided they go at this pace they add to the humour rather than just look peculiar.
  10. I think I ought to have seen this before now! I was impressed by this very different approach to AV. I think more folk should see this Sequence. Send it to a few International events and see what happens to it. I found the changing of the names quite moving: nothing much happening and yet still very effective. Congratulations on a most worthwhile Sequence which told us a great deal and said even more!
  11. I enjoyed watching the Show but there must be more to say! It would be nice if this could be shown alongside other works in International events. Yes, I do think it is a bit long, unless you decide to say something in words as well as illustrate your mastery of the PTE techniques and show us Hubble images. Star-dust to star-dust; yes, I suppose, as we actually are all just star-dust, we all eventually get to go on one of these voyages but I think I may be even more interested to witness other of your works more down to this earth. I still really did enjoy watching the Show! Maybe this should be enough.
  12. I have just received the following from Carol Beckham: "We will start our application in Feb 07 when our Daughter has her Permanent Residency and has been in Australia for 2 years. It can take up to a year to get a visa, provising we pass our medicals, and then we need to sell our house once visa is in our hand and not before so I think you are looking at least 18 months or so before we leave the country to start our new life in Oz. We will still be doing business with all our customers as we plan to carry on with Beckham Digital and all the tutorials. We will probably set our Son and his Fiance up with our master copies of tutorials so that any orders I get on line I will email them to my Son and he will print out the invoices and sent them out to the UK customers from the the UK instead of people waiting a few days for us to send them from Oz. So nothing will change apart from our home address and telephone number. Please be assured that the web site and on line shop of BECKHAM DIGITAL with Carol & Barry will continue."
  13. Accidental Misinformation re Barry Beckham’s web site www.beckhamdigital.co.uk. Following an article by Peter Frampton in AV WORLD which included: “He (Barry Beckham) has now retired and is off to Australia to live and I have a feeling that this site will probably close down. I hope I’m wrong.” Barry has sent me the following: “A lot of people have read it wrongly and think that we WILL be closing the site, plus we cannot even fill our application to migrate to Australia till February 2007 and then it can take up to a year to get your visa (if applicable and medicals are not failed) then we have at least 18 months as we have a house to sell etc. Our site and shop on line will continue if we get to Australia - nothing will change apart from our home address and phone number. “ As Editor of AV WORLD I regret this accidental misinformation. AV WORLD No 40 was our last issue as the Royal Photographic Society has at long last (after ten years!) seen the light and now allows nonmembers to purchase their magazine, “AV News”. For details of this contact brian-jeffs@tiscali.co.uk
  14. Peter Frampton and I have had e-conversations about this before, usually on creatingslideshows.com site. My own feelings about movement with what "we" do are that we should do anything which helps us communicate and we should avoid those things which hinder proper communication. Much of what I have seen since PTE made it possible to include zooms, rotations and pans has been work which has illustrated what the techniques could achieve but little else. I am not all that interested in just watching clever techniques; I am interested in what people want to "tell" me. If all they have to say is technique, I waste my time watching it - currently I still do watch, but I am getting a bit bored with it all.
  15. I think this has been a most interesting discussion, in that it seems to be about more than technique. You see, I would include "technique" as one of the possible distractions to proper communication. If, during a Sequence, I think "Gosh that was good" or even more so "Oh! Not again!", then it is technique which is grabbing my attention instead of what the author is trying to get across to me. This is why I am somewhat hesitant in welcoming the latest innovations within PTE without reservations. I do welcome them and I do use them, but I have witnessed more "worse" Sequences, so far, in which the new transitions play a part, than "better". I frequently think, "Oh! That was clever!" and then "but what was it about? What was this trying to say to me?" I'm not noted for being over-polite, but I have usually refrained from "saying" this about specific Sequences. It's much easier and maybe kinder to make the point in general terms, so I'm glad to bring this up under this heading.
  16. Any AV is about communicating an idea, a story, some information, or sometimes an impression or an emotion. To give marks for photography within such an attempt to communicate would be pointless. When I judge an AV (and I must now have had that dubious pleasure, Internationally, on about twenty occasions over a couple of decades) I assume that all is well until the communication is interupted by something which avoids the communication being continuous; in the extreme, just to make the point, it could even be that a superb photograph left me feeling "Wow! That was a superb photograph!" and, at that stage, the real communication could have ended. I may have been so wrapped up in the images that I lost what the theme of the communication was. So for me the Sequence needs to be judged as a whole and not marked for this that or the other. For me marks are deducted from perfection when something distracts me from the author's intent. At the end of the excercise of watching, say 50, such presentations, it is important to place these in an order and then give "marks"; otherwise we can get mixed up with folk trying to differentiate between A-- and B++ !!!! When there are several judges these can then be added up and averaged but without an order the actual marks are virually meaningless. If you want a good laugh, just look at the results from the most recent "Supercircuit" They are printed out in AV WORLD No 40 (our last Issue). I expect Maureen will put them on our AV WORLD web pages if I ask her nicely! Competition is an excellent thing as long as we don't treat it too seriously! For me it produces deadlines and a way of ensuring that lots of people witness what I am trying to communicate. Any Awards (and I have now had well over a hundrend of these, Internationally) are always regarded as a sort of unexpected bonus!
  17. Thanks. I will do that.
  18. Thanks, Ron. You are quite correct. I hope to have the site built within the next couple of weeks and will notify all interested through Beechbrook.
  19. Yes! I too have the occasional problem getting in to Dave's creatingslideshows.com but there is usually a way through saying that you have forgotten your password. This then gives you a new code to get in to the site. Anyone who would like to have a copy of flutterings just let me have your e-mail address and I will ensure one can be downloaded - in a short while I shall have a new site www.avpeter.com from which interested folk will be able to download most of my recent experiments.
  20. MANY MANY THANKS, Ralph, You have cracked it for me!!!!! I would never have found this without your guidance.
  21. Done that before I wrote the previous question. It just says nothing is found. Peter
  22. Thanks. That's what my Template notes tell me BUT I cannot find any \Application Data\ within the thread to try and find the Template file. It's just not showing this "Application Data" bit of the thread at all.
  23. Today I noticed another wee problem which may well be me doing something I should not do: I tried to save and manage a Template for my latest PTE v5 #5 creation. It gets saved OK so it tells me but then when I try find it to resurrect it to work on it further, it is nowhere to be found. It invents a route that does not exist so I ask my search to do its searching and it informs me that no file is found. What is happening? Is my search a waste of time until another mod appears? Maybe this has also something to do with the synch. Right now it gives me a sort of synching feeling! It also left me with my morale all a bit deflated, as I was tying to show some other ambitious would-be-AV-guy a trick or two at the time !!!!!!!!! Do me good I expect !!!!!!!!!!!!! Puzzled Peter
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