Peter Coles
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The link button on the www.avworld.org site is notw fixed except for Sarah. I'm sure Sarah will be fixed shortly (as she is only 3'11" anyway!)
Any who may need convincing that there is more to AV than good images supported by music would do well to view one of the latest arrivals at Beechwood, "Portrait of The Author", and read the article downloaded at the same time. It is good to see this Sequence again and to realise the power our medium can show. I hope even the deaf will be able to see the difference a good sound-track can make !! Mind you, I bet there are a few who still "will not hear".
Hello, Ron! Personally, I like some old things like start-up windows. They allow me to start when I decide and, on occasion, impart information. I also like to leave folk in thought, rather than in darkness; hence the opportunity to switch off when you choose to do so. And I'm also quite keen on words; that's why there were some with this Sequence, that is until "imfinewine" decided he would like to try this little experiment! The whole thing, with and without words, was made from scratch in 6 hours on 23rd April 2005. At 5.30 pm on Saturday, there were no images, no words, no music, just one last minute idea. At midnight (my time) the Sequence (and later, the Sequences) were at www.creatinslideshows.com Maybe there should have been no Sequence, but then I would be like too many other folk! What a pity there are only ten Sequences in this little event; there are already as many "comments" on my little effort as there are Sequences. The way to learn how to make good Sequences is to make them. When I need to be over-exposed to win Gold medals, I'll quit! Until then, I will continue to be delightfully surprised when I collect them. When I don't, I usually keep quiet.
"What a pity it is too late for the Geoffrey Round AV Competiton in Aldbourne" I've just re-read earlier comments. I had not noticed. It must have been shown in Cradiff yesterday and I will see it in Aldbourne next weekend. Good! I look forward to that!
I find this Sequence the most interesting I have seen on Beechwood so far. Congratulations! I hope we see it in many more International Festivals. (This comes from the joint author (the UK bit) of the Sequence which came second to you in the Dutch Nationals with "The Secret of Fontenay"! I just wish it was in a format 1024 x 768 so that the quality of image on projection would shine through even more. I look forward to seeing it projected shortly, so please send it to International events. What a pity it is too late for the Geoffrey Round AV Competiton in Aldbourne. Please send it to the event in Paris - if you don't know what that is, visit our www.avworld.org site and from there on to the Events pages.
I enjoyed watching the demo and it has been used in several Sequences I have seen. I would be even more interested if a dissolve could be achieved during the pan. I find the jerky ending of the pan quite disruptive to "flow" in a Sequence. Can the rate of pan be adjusted? If dissolve can be achieved whilst panning, can one image be panning one way whilst the next is panning the other? I thought the panning of the group photograph was effective - they all look so extremely happy don't they ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are more than welcome to attend one of the three International Digital AV events coming up shortly. In Cardiff, Wales, on April 9th. In Dublin, Ireland or Aldbourne, Wiltshire, England on April 15th & 16th. See www.avworld.org for details. 70 Digital AVs entered for each of these three events in the WWW-DAVE circuit.
Do visit our AV WORLD Site and find out about the Digital AV International Event. Closing date 1st March 2005. If any have difficulty getting through to the site at www.avworld.org (we have had a few problems recently), do try to get there via www.maureenalbright.com All communication is via e-mail. It would be helpful if either Maureen Albright or I knew if you were sending an entry. Maureen is on maureenalbright.com and I am on peter@3-c.coop We had 81 entries last year and we hope to top that this time, as the event takes place in three venues: Cardiff, Wales; Dublin, Republic of Ireland; and Aldbourne, Wilshire, England. I hope to meet some of you there at at least one of these venues. Peter Coles
Thanks for the congratulations! I enjoyed taking part in this event. I always learn a lot through competitions. I don't expect to win - that's a bonus when it happens, but I ALWAYS learn from such events. I very much enjoyed witnessing the other entries. Very few used words; most Sequences in UK competitions do use the spoken word and it is therefore interesting to me that the three winners all used either spoken or sung words, or both. I have no difficulty contacting and using this www.creatingslideshows.com site. It is easy to register and it is free. So, I can't see any problem in downloading Squences. If any do still have a problem, I will quite willingly send "Fragile Earth" (the winner) to any e-mail site requesting it via "dropload". I cannot place it on beechbrook without getting the permission of all those who sent in images to be used in the competition. I would like to encourage visitors to this site to take part in the next event organised by 'desert dave' of www.creatingslideshows.com While I am doing this I would also like to encourage entries for out next International Digital AV Competition in the UK. Please vist www.avworld.org for details. We had 81 entries last year. This year one entry takes your work to three events, one in Cradiff, Wales, One in Dublin, Republic of Ireland and one in Aldbourne, Wiltshire, England. Do please send us some of your work; one entry each this time, though, to ensure that we can play them all in one long day!
I enjoyed making a Sequence for this fun event. I have watched them all now and there is not one which I did not enjoy. I also enjoyed the jeu-fun game from Luxembourg durin the summer. I have already learned a great deal by viewing them. I shall watch several of them again and glean even more. Comparisons in style can teach us all so much. It also interests me how different countries vary in their approach to making Sequences. This shows within this little competition and is also evident on other sites. avpeter
Peter Coles replied to slide24x36's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
I was hoping to go to this event - I've sent some Sequences and asked for directions and accomodation suggestions about a fortnight ago. I'm still waiting to hear. peter@3-c.coop -
Yes! This 'ere DAVE has a lot to answer for! Well let's hope so, eh?!
I've made an entry now for this competition. I will not be puting it on any other site than www.creatingslideshows.com Any who want to see it will have to wait until the entries are all in ! It is good fun playing these competition games, provided we don't take them toooooo seriously! I learned a lot taking part in the jeu-fun game set up by Gérard Desroches and I hope to learn even more through taking part and viewing other entries for this event. Downloading is easy so why not have a go?! It's free! PS Don't forget our Three-in-one International event April 9th in Cardiff, Wales; April 16th in Aldbourne, Wiltshire and Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Details etc on our web site www.avworld.org or in our Magazine AV WORLD No 32 pages 46-49 This Competition is not free! But it is good value at £10 per entry for all three events (one entry only per entrant). AV WORLD is even better value - do visit our site & join us, if you feel we can help - or if you can help us!
I've made an entry now for this competition. I will not be puting it on any other site than www.creatingslideshows.com Any who want to see it will have to wait until the entries are all in ! It is good fun playing these competition games, provided we don't take them toooooo seriously! I learned a lot taking part in the jeu-fun game set up by Gérard Desroches and I hope to learn even more through taking part and viewing other entries for this event. Downloading is easy so why not have a go?!
I have downloaded the images. I'd like to encourage as many as possible to take part. I learned a lot though making a Sequence for the jeu-fun game from Gerard Desroches in Luxembourg. I have already started making one for the www.creatingslideshows.com site There is not much time so download now and start putting your Sequence together. I am looking forward to seeing lots of Sequences made from these images.
I was (and still am) amazed that folk give up their time to contribute to the pleasure of an old AV Guy, and that the masterminder (or in my secret fantacies the mistressminder!) should spend half her life over the last few weeks putting it all together. So to all those who made contributions - a big thank you. To those that didn't, cheques and postal orders should be sent to: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? tsunarmi victims, any bank any country, and amount, any time but there's no better time for the present than the present. Peter
imfinewine I'm the fine Peter vintage to which reference is made. I'd be glad to join in any imfinewine competition you devise. Someone tells me that one of my efforts is on your site. I tried looking for it but gave up after about three attempts. If you do want contributions to your site - please just ask. My e-mail is peter@3-c.coop