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  1. I am trying to reproduce, for teaching purposes, the deformation of the spine resulting from abnormal forms of aging. Actually I have revamped the whole project based on Jean Pierre's recommendations. Using PTE for my "standard" photo slideshows, it occured to me it could be very easy to do this kind of animation. Many thanks for your interest
  2. Jean-Pierre Many thanks for the very clear explanations. I will do the changes suggested. And I will visit Diapositif! Merci beaucoup Philippe
  3. I actually can open the file and indeed the previsualisation wroks fine. But I cannot rotate, pan or zoom the object. IHere is the file. Thank you File.zip
  4. I created a fairly complex file with PTE Beta#4 including some objects with a lot of parent / child levels as the movement of each object is dependent on the movement of the previous one. I tried to edit the objects in Beta #6. They seem to be "frozen" i.e. the value for raotation changes but the objects does not rotate. Is there anything I should check (or uncheck). I have tried all the various options (I think), to no avail. As I overwrote the previous versions of PTE with beta#6 I cannot go back and check with the previous version. Is there a place where I could get the previous versions of PTEBetas? These questions might seem basic, but I could not find answers to them on the forum yet. Thank you for your support Philippe
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