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  1. ok cool..I will use the 4x6...so I think those would be 1200X1800 for res....
  2. thank you so much for all your help...I truly appreciate this... I have nero 6...and with the is the nero express...I dont think I tried the DVD option I think I tried the vcd and then the svcd options.... a few more questions...does the size of the image matter? I made one smaller for the web usage...then I also made another one using my full 4x6 proof images? ok im off to try this...DVD-video setting with the NTSC picked cuz im in canada....then burn with nero........ wish me luck! ok wait... now when I get into NERO express...I have 3 options....create VCD...create svcd...then minidvd? i could also try NERO buring ROM...but then it comes up with 2 folders...Audio TSm and Video TS...where do I drag and drop this avi? phew..once again im sorry for all the questions....
  3. ok so im totally lost now..all this talk about codecs and stuff...OMG...its insane...im not the comptuer geek im a photographer..I just want this damn thing to be viewable on a dvd player on TV...ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg sorry just venting...off to try to read some more!
  4. just found the huge FAQ in the other forum..starting to weed thru it right now!
  5. OK Im trying to burn a slideshow to a DVD...or CD..whichever...so my client can watch it on there TV with a dvd player.... I have nero, and when I use it, the DVD is all grainy and the pics look like crapola.... are there some specific setting I need to make sure to use when burning to DVD? i havent spent much time on this yet..and I will do a search on here later tonight... thank you in advance for any help!
  6. wow once again thank you for your help...its a 12mb exe file..not an AVI... I think I wanted it so they could just click and view it without having to download it to their puter.... I will try your suggestions... thank you so much for taking the time to help me out!
  7. ok i didnt think it was that big... so i guess it must be a server thing then? it just says loading forever...then it times out...
  8. I am trying to make a slideshow for a wedding... its all good on my puter...and burned to DVD my question is...its huge..like 12 MB...how much smaller do I need to make it so I can ulpoad to my own server and share it as a link for others to view? and also how do I do that.. the images are already 72 dpi...about 500 px long side... its just over 7 minutes...with 125 images...
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