Old John
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I am now 87 but I am still as interested in slide shows as ever, the trouble is I seem to take longer and longer to understand what I can and can't do! I have been on a cruise in the Baltic and took a few Video clips on my beloved Fuji F550 camera ( I know it is not a real camera but it suits me, as it is easy to carry and at its best the quality is good enough for me!). The problem is that one or two of my video shots which I want to insert into my slide show have too loud a sound and I want to edit it. The Fuji uses a MOV format but P2X seems quite happy with this. Is there a way I can use the superb sound editing tools in P2X , if not could anyone suggest a simple solution. Can I just say what a brilliant program P2X is, my problem is every time I have mastered some of the tools I find a new and marvelous set has been added Many thanks for any help , please don't be too hard on a poor old man! Old John
After facing the gloomy prospect of having to change the location of each slide I am happy to report that the method suggested by 'Nobeefstu' works beautifully. My thanks to 'Nobeefstu' and to Brian (Conflow) for an excellent method for finding missing ZIP files Old John
I am most grateful for the good advice I have received, it is most helpful. It was not my intention or wish to be the cause of any friction, I am sorry about that. This is a great forum and I try to respect that. My usual procedure with a completed slide show is to create a back-up in zip and keep it in folder with any other relevant files. The problem this tine was that I was working on several slide shows )some of which shared the same images) trying to improve them, when, like an idiot, I reorganised my directories. At this point my very ancient memory let me down. I thought that in P2X all I had to do was to tell it where the first missing slide was to be found and it would then search in that folder for the rest of the missing slides. I now realise that I was confusing P2X with Producer which can work that way (I need hardly say that P2X is my preferred program!) I did a search of the manuals and the Forum without success because, as I now realise) iwas trying to find something that wasn't there! I now think my best chance is to try to reconstruct the path for the images etc. that P2X expects, complete the slide shows and then create back=ups in zip. I have made a note to myself,' must try harder in future'. Thanks for all the help Old John
I would appreciate some help with a problem. In an attempt to clear up my folders I have moved them to new locations. Now when I want to do more work on a slide show it cannot find the files. How can I simply tell the slide show how to find and load images from the relevant files? Old John
Thank you very much for your note. I am trying to have a commentary over background music so I found your points very helpful. Could you please say whether you have a separate file for each sound bite, if not how do you do it?. I would like to lower music volume also behind a sound bite. Could I do this in Audacity, if so exactly how do I do this. Any help would be much appreciated Old John So using the SOUND "line" is a quicker option. (although once I have everything synched, I then mix in the 120 sound bites and lower the music volume behind each bite.....) Hope this is clearer Jim
My thanks to the great team and Igor for the wonderful Beta 10. . Using Beta 10 I select a slide and go to Objects and animation enter a new Key point and zoom to the new key point. I then select 'Smooth'. and this appears in the new Zoom window. I then try out my new zoom and it is great!. But when I go back to the Objects and animation for the slide in now says 'Custom. instead of .'smooth' As a result if I decide to make changes in a show I cannot now see what I had selected.
My thanks to the great team and Igor for the wonderful Beta 10. The only trouble for me is that new features appear much faster than I can manage to use the old ones! But that is a great fault. I am sure I am doing something wrong so I would be glad of any help. Using Beta 10 I select a slide and go to Objects and animation enter a new Key point and zoom to the new key point. I then select 'Smooth'. and this appears in the new Zoom window. I then try out my new zoom and it is great!. But when I go back to the Objects and animation for the slide in now says 'Custom. instead of .'smooth' As a result if I decide to make changes in a show I cannot now see what I had selected. I am sure that I am the problem, but please help a struggling old timer!
This was a fascinating story and a very impressive piece of work. I liked the use of different voices and the war posters which told the history very well. The use of the memorial worked very well. The only slight doubt I had was the sequence of names at the end, i was left wondering how many men were lost and of course the individual names meant nothing to me. Many thanks for letting us see this fine show John
Slightly off subject In Computer Shopper for Jan 2007, issue 227 , DVD edition. (UK) a programme called ' BB FlashBack Express 1.5.3 is included on the Disc. It is said to be the ideal tool for creating tutorials and training videos. I have installed it , registration is required but this went OK. As far as I can see you can record the steps in an application add cpmmentary and text boxes and output as Flash or AVI. A special upgrade is available to the latest version for only 160 US Dollars. I think I will stay with the free version! I hope this may be of some interest, John
I have come to regard P2X 5.0 as a remarkable program with enormous potential As an aged citizen I have found the learning curve very steep indeed more of a mountain than a curve!. I catch a glimpse of the summit on occasions but I am stii struggling to reach the base camp.I much appreciate all the help given so freely by the experts. With beta seven I was delighted to find the capability to create DVD.s of high quality. So I set to work.I first of all tried a very small sequence of slides and tried to create a DVD in PAL. I got as far as :- ' VOB files multiplexing ' and then a window told me I had an error code 143. i have no idea what is meant by VOB files multiplexing , or error 143,I looked up the code on Google and it seemed to be an error in the Register. I ran a Register clean up prgram and removed the errors if found.Now I ran the trial create again and to my great delight everthing worked and I finished with a DVD-R disk. I checked it on my computer and it ran ok. How wonderful! As all seemed well so I tried a show of 59 slides about 9.5 minutes run time.In 1 hour and 5 minutes I had a finished DVD. I ran this on our TV via a DVD player and it was very good indeed, in fact the best quality DVD I have so far produced with any program including Producer. I offered up my thanks to that genius Igor and his team. But I thought I would like to see it projected. I set up my digital projector and DVD player and up came the title screen, but horror, it refused to go any further! I tried the DVD on my lap top and it ran perfectly as it had done on my main machine..The player on my TV (PAL) is JVC HR-XV31 EK which ran without trouble. The player on my projector set-up is a Panasonic DVD/CD player DVD-S29, this only took me to the title screen and would go no further. I have been reading the forum pages and it may be that the problem I have found is already known and being dealt with. However I would appreciate any comments so that I can begin again my long climb to the camp 4! Thanks for any help Old John
I am a user of Pro Show Gold but have been very unhappy with the quality of Zooms etc. As a very senior citizen I take a long time to figure things out (was I ever quick?!) PTE is a wonderful programme, and I am most appreciative of the great work of the authors and the Forum contributors. But I am stuck!. When I have several pictures on a slide how do I select one of them and display it so I can zoom pan etc and see what I am doing. Many thanks in advance for any help you can give this slow old timer.