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Everything posted by fish
Yes me too My be it was someone trying to get traffick to his site. Regards Sue
Hi yes me too. The link takes you to an Adult Website. This may be silly of me I was just tring to hellp some one? Regards Sue
Hi yes me too. The link takes you to an Adult Website. This may be silly of me I was just tring to hellp some one? Regards Sue
hi Ron, It's just to say thank you to Thedom. regards Fish 2
Hi Thedom, Yes I do have (BJC book template vid, using dom's book template for landscape images) and thedom bookportrait template. Regards Fish 2
Hi Thedom, I have just farnd out, It's fantastic you have got a the sit up and rning in so short a time. Fantastic, If you ned my hellp leet me know. Regards Fish 2
Hi Lin, Yes that did it. Thank you for your hellp. Regards Fish 2
Hi Lin, This may bee a silly questun but I can not find the " Start, Run then type in dxdiag and click O.K." Is this in PTEXE or sumthing? thank's for your hellp. regards Fish 2
Hi Michel' I do not know what my computer has and dos not have? a frind pot it all togerther for me. The pan is nice and smorth on my coputer, I like it. how did you do the titlee? Regards Fish 2
Hi Thedom, When you make A list, then I can see what you need. If I have it I will post it to you. My spelling is not that good, but I am willing to have a go. Regards Fish 2
Hi Thedom, Yes I think suggestion a) is a good idea. If you find you are anything short, if I have it, I can provide it. Let me know. Regards Fish 2.
Hi Thedom, I am so sorry. I will do what I can And if you can fink of anything that I can do pleas ask. regards Fish PS I will see what I have Dunloded? PPS I have put What I can find in a ziped file the fill is 153 MB in sizes I do not know if this is big or not thet me know what to do? kep on smiling regards Fish 2
Hi Thedom, Me to kep smiling regards Fish 2
Hi Thedom, thats good. I think that ther is some thing up with your site? when you clik on the "PTE PROJECT" to upload, and any of the links you get to this one "PHPMYVISTES". I hop that it is ok Regards Fish 2
This is the secand time only that I have uploded An AV. This was inspierd by one of thedom's AV's uesing the "synthesis" agition I hope you like it. You can find a demo by Thedom at( http://thefreedom.free.fr/share/comment.php?dlid=133 } this is the one that insperd me. And you can get the photoshop action "synthesis" You can find it hea " A Photo Montage " http://beechbrook.com/pte/index.asp Regards Fish 2
Hi Thedom, Sory to hear of you proplem I know nothing of commroters so I am afrid I can not hellp you . You can when you are bying your new commproter, you can by a sxtenal haddrive for a back up? I hop you can huderstand my speling? "If you wish, I can upload the PTE project of this demo." That will be nice fo you. Regards Fish 2
Thedom Hi Thedom. I like it a lot. I have benn tring to do a page curl so that a nother photo shows. In PTEXE 5. If you can help me that will be nice. Regards Fish 2.
Hi thedom. I like it a lot you can do fings with this? I will have a go? Regards Fish 2
Hi Thedom. Yes I see it thank's for all your help. Regards Fish 2
That is fantastic thank you. "By the way, I only kept the .exe in the archive. Because there are a lot of file missing in your zip. The PTE project cannot be used" Ok thats an OPS then, so that I know for the nexttime what fils do I have to have in the file? Regards Fish 2
Hi LumenLux. "There could be any number of ways to flow objects through this view of the river. " I did not think of that. Thank's for the nice comments. Regards Fish 2
Hi, Yes I clicked the link in Ebenist's quote and that did work for me. It is a lovely show. How did you do the page curl at the begining? Regards Fish 2
you are right the filmstrips are form a photo mag, thay some times give out free templats in ther mags. "remove the pixelate shadow of your text, set a "regular" one add a transition (a slow fade by example) beetween your introduction and the beginning of the pan." Yes I will this was dune as a test to see what you can do with PTEXE 5. I do have the original "A Day By The Water" that contains a lot more images as well as an earlier version of the pan, created in PTEXE 4.45. but the "Pop Ups" were different. If you want to see it let me know? "With your permission, I will host your show on my site. Do you agree ?" yes that will be fantastik.
Yes I get it know thank you sily me Regards FIsh 2