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Everything posted by clonergan

  1. I can burn data DVD's. I have both Nero7 and Burn&Go Nitro. Both burn data DVD's just fine. I only have the problem when I burn P2E slideshows. I've tried moving my external DVD burner to my laptop using Nero6 that came with the DVD burner (the old combination that used to work). Still same thing. I've even bought a new DVD player thinking it was just being flaky!! I've updated and purchased the latest version of the burning sw. I'm using P2E version 4.30. When I burn the DVD slideshow, it acts like it's working and actually burns enough to make the DVD unusable before erroring out. I have wasted SO many DVD's trying to get this fixed (it used to work)!! If Nero is so finicky, I am ready to purchase Ulead since it is recommended. Any suggestions?
  2. I think it is a media problem . . . but I don't know how to tell exactly what it's looking for. I do not use re-writable DVDs. I have tried both DVD-R and DVD+R. Neither will work. HELP!!
  3. I have had P2Exe for about 2 yrs, using Nero to burn DVD slideshows. Now it's not working. I have the latest version of Nero7 (ultra edition), P2Exe 4.3, Windows xp. In Nero, I select "make or modify DVD", add my .avi file created from P2Exe, and it starts to burn. Goes through processing data, and within 10 seconds of the "burning onto disc", I get this error: "Unable to create the disc structure". Anyone heard of this?
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