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Everything posted by Joanna

  1. I got my key and all is well Joanna
  2. Thanks Ken. I do have all that information and have emailed them but haven't heard back. Guess I just need to be patient and give them more time to reply. Joanna
  3. John, I am having a similar problem. I want to load the program on my laptop as well so I can take a show I am working on with me. I can't find the key anywhere to register it so it will work. I have had the program for over a year now on my desktop and love it, and just keep upgrading it without having to do anything to register it again. I have sent an email for a new key, but haven't heard anything back. Hopefully one of these great forum members can help both of us.
  4. Thanks to all - I have created an autorun CD with an introduction page and a link to the main show. I feel confident now that I can make more with several links to different shows! Joanna
  5. Thank you Jim and Boxig. I think I may be able to do this now with your suggestions. Boxig, I'm running to your web page now for those autorun utilities I'm going to try and find the time this afternoon to se if I can get this show working. Joanna
  6. Thank you both for your help. I made a separate folder holding the introduction show and the main show and was able to get it to work from a CD. There is one catch though, the CD now has two shows - one called Instructions (the introduction show) and one called Barnes (the main show of the wedding images). You have to click on the Instructions show to get it to work. If you click on the Barnes show you don't see the instructions page with the web links etc. I don't know how to do it so there is only one file on the CD. This way people won't know which icon to click on to run it. Hope again I am making since. Thanks again, Joanna
  7. I have been searching this wonderful forum and can't find an answer to my problem. I have made a slide show of approximately 300 wedding images that plays beautifully on numerous computers so no problem there. I have since then made another one slide show that consists of an introduction page with information on how to order the images a hyperlink to the web page for the order form, and a button to start the slide show. When I save it and create the show it works on my computer, but when I zip it using winzip (for uploading to my web site using a different computer) the button to start the show doesn't work. The hyperlink works fine, but all you can view is the introduction page and click to go to the order page. The show won't start. Hope I explained this clear enough, sorry if I'm a little long winded! Joanna
  8. Just got an email from support with an attachment than automatically registered me. I'm now up and running!!! Gotta go play now!
  9. Thanks to all. I checked the key size and it is only 26 bytes. Also I am logged in as admin. I wrote a short note to support last night, but will write again with more detailed information this morning. It seems funny that I would get "your registration was successfull" if there was something wrong with the key.
  10. I just tried it. Didn't work. I will try emailing support and see if they can help. Thanks for trying. I will check back here later and see if there are any other suggestions. Thanks again for your help.
  11. Never thought of that. Think I must be brain dead today. I'm running windows xp professional. Will try it and see if it works. Thanks a bunch.
  12. Hi, I just got my key for registering pictures to exe, and when I load the key I get a confirmation that the registration is complete. I close and reopen the program as instructed, and it asks for the key again. I have tried restarting the computer and still the registration won't "stick". I'm really wanting to get started on some projects as soon as possible if someone will help me out with the registration. Thanks to anyone who might be able to help. Joanna
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