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About cagney123

  • Birthday 08/24/1951

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  • Location
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Interests
    Camping, photography, music, exploring new things.

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  1. Happy New Year to Igor and all the PTE staff. I also want to thank all the folks who help with the rest of us making fine slideshows and videos. This is still the best. Thanks especially to Igor. All the best to you and hopefully you and yours will have a fantastic new year filled with wonderful adventures and fine moments with family. Hang on there Buddy. There are many things out there to explore. If you are ever in New Mexico, I'd be happy to show you around.
  2. I'm not to into the new high-end stuff that professionals will use but one thing I can't find is...when I make a show and put multiple slides in I think it would be helpful in the places where I've selected the slides there would have a checkmark to make me sure I've already used it. If it's already in the program I sure would be happy to find out where it is and thank you all for helping. Thanks again.
  3. Hello SeismicGuy. Tried to duplicate your problem. Everything worked fine. Are you making adjustments while in Timeline view? That will mess things up. I always make changes in Slide view and only use timeline view for adjusting music timing to Slideshow view. Hope this helps.
  4. Igor I certainly hope you get through the difficult times ahead. I'm with you all the way, or at least as long as I'm around. I've loved every minute using PTE and I use it every day for my own silly productions. It's smoothness can't be beat. And beyond that it truly helps me stay calm mentally and even helps me physically. I wish the very best to you. Your Friend, Jeff
  5. A couple years ago I was up to my neck with hospital bills and other things related to being bed ridden. I wanted to upgrade to the latest version as I find it helps me keep my mind upbeat. I was short on money and I squawked on the forum about the new pricing. Igor contacted me and gave me a free pass as I had been a loyal member for many years. I'm sure he didn't want me to post this, but I just had to. I've felt bad for 2 years. Well, I finally got enough money together to pay for an upgrade and did so just now. I was embarrassed by my complaining and couldn't wait to pay up. Bottom line...this is amazing software and Igor is an amazing human being on this planet. Jeff Lunt
  6. Thanks Igor. I guess something changed at my end since June. I'll keep looking but I doubt that I'll figure it out. Thanks again.
  7. Hi Igor. I took a small show, less than 29megs, and zipped it. I did as you asked, though I had to laugh as I've been doing this for about 20 years as you probably know. The JPEG loads as normal but the .zip never even begins to load. Have you tried to upload a .zip file? Thanks Igor. I still use the program but I just don't upload anymore.
  8. Thanks everyone. Since the music is the most important thing for me I believe it is time for me to bow out now. Good luck to all of you. Jeff
  9. Thanks Dave. This gives me something to work with. I still haven't seen anyone uploading anything since I asked folks to give it a try.
  10. Is there a place to download older versions of PTE.exe so I can test what is going wrong with my uploads? I'm hoping an older version might work. I'd love to keep uploading new files.
  11. denisb...can you try to upload again? Thanks
  12. Thanks Barry. I've been going crazy as I was wanting to keep something going on the Slideshowclub site. Not much happening lately. Do you know where others are posting and why? Thanks again.
  13. I'm having trouble uploading to Slideshowclub.com. Could somebody upload something and see if everything is okay? That way I would know the problem is on my side. I keep getting error code -200 every time. I just tried to upload a 28.8meg file.
  14. It was well under 128. Maybe it is because the file is from video files? I post as a PC file and don't click Video. Should I click the VIDEO instead of PC? This has happened multiple times. I always use ZIP so that isn't the problem. I'll keep trying. Thanks Igor.
  15. Hi Igor. I'm uploading to your pte Slideshowclub. I'm using the AV Studio with the latest update. Thanks for responding so quickly. It's one of the great things about PTE.
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