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Tom Rowles

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  1. Many thanks all, the problem seems to solved now by using another version, not itunes/Tuneclone.
  2. Yes the format of the track is MP3 Thanks Tom
  3. Thanks I will try yo locate a different music source to see if this works.
  4. Yes I do have synchronize music and slides ticked and yes my slide timings are the same as the music end, however the music stops playing slightly before the end of the music end red line and before it reaches the end of the song, it needs to play a further 8 seconds approx to complete the music.
  5. I have downloaded a tune which is 4m 5s long via itunes and tune clone to audition. When played back in audition it plays OK to the end at 4m 5s. When the music is added to the P2E timeline via project options it shows the correct length of 4m 5s. However when played back via the timeline the music stops playing at 4m 4s which is not the end of the tune and should still have another 8 second of the music to play. The cut off point of the music of 4m 4s on the timeline shows as 3m 56s on the audition waveform. I have the end slide finishing at the end of the music. I am using P2E6. Tom
  6. Thanks a lot Peter, I guessed I was just being dense. Tom
  7. Hi Sorry for what is probably a silly question but is there any way to get to the cusomize synchronization/ mini player using version 5.5 which will show the timeline while playing the slides, as was available in version 5.0 Tom
  8. Hi Can someone tell me the best way to make alterations to a slideshow after it has been created as an exe. file. Also can anyone recommend good portable sound recorder, I believe this topic has cropped up before but I cannot locate it. Tom R
  9. Hi Sorry sent this to wrong section so this is repeet I have recenly downloaded 5.5 and now have a problem with a slide show created prior 5.5. When previewing this pre 5.5 show in 5.5, the show is clipped by 9 seonds both music and slide. All other slideshows created prior 5.5 and shown via 5.5 are OK. Any suggestios please. Tom
  10. Hi Am I right in saying tht the New Transition button in the timeline in P2E5 does not work the same as in the previous version and if this is the case is there any way in which I can insert transition points manually, say to the beat of the music, easily and quickly as was the case in v4. Tom
  11. Thanks Peter, problem solved. Tom
  12. Hi I know this subject has cropped up before but I need to be able to pick a slide in the timeline and move all the slides and transitions to the right on block in PTE5. I have tried shift clicking on the appropriate slides etc. but it wont work for me. What am I doing wrong. Tom
  13. Hi Can someone help me as to how to download music purchased from ITunes to Adobe Audition for use in PTE. Thanks Tom R
  14. Many thanks Tom, problem solved it worked for me as well Tom
  15. Ken P2e version 4.48
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