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R. G. Noxon

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Everything posted by R. G. Noxon

  1. Dear Sirs, I'm VERY pleased with your program "Pictures ToExe" BUT there is one small irritation; if one opens a *.pte file (from Windows Explorer) then closes it, WITHOUT making ANY changes, it adopts a NEW date and time! This then no longer corresponds with the date and time of the associated *.exe file. This behaviour is quite unlike that of image files which, if not modified, retain their original date and time. All versions of "Pictures ToExe" seem to behave like this, irrespective of the version of Windows operating system. Can this quirk be fixed in the next version of "Pictures ToExe" please? Yours faithfully, R. G. Noxon (Digital AV enthusiast, UK). I wrote the above on your old forum, which has now been replaced, so I don’t know if it was ever answered. New request: Can it be made possible to select a block of cues and move them along the time line, in order to insert a new cue? I believe this can already be done by importing a *.pte file into a spreadsheet, but I lack the expertise with spreadsheets and a simple block dragging, if possible, would be both quicker and easier.
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