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Everything posted by jfa

  1. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum chapman, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. I have used the GUS - Grid Utility for Slideshows mentioned in one of the links Ken posted above with great success for some time now. I would recommend it to you.
  2. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum photogman, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. As a general rule it is better to do all your scans at the highest resolution/size as possible no-matter what the end result will be. This will ensure that you get the maximum amount of data to work with in any editing software, (eg Photoshop), and give a better end result. You may not wish to do this now but you will have the data for any use you may have in the future. It is better to discard some information than not have enough at the start and therefor have to do it all again. See: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....842&hl=scan for discussion on scanning.
  3. Thanks Ron you have started a very timely thread for our CC. We have had a large growth in prints over the last few years due to digital photography and have sufficient display space to use on judging night so we don't project them at all. This was the last year of slide competitions as only 2 members have been regularly submitting to the competition. We now run a "projected image" competition, (most clubs in our part of the world also do), which in the new year will be all digital and the club is in the process of purchasing a digital projector, (we have begged or bowered up to now). I was hoping to use PTE to display the images and have been considering how we will do this. The new function in PTE v5.1 "Wait for Mouse Click or Keyboard Press for Next Slide" to allow timed advance of image manually is a step in the right direction but selecting an image back or forward a number of places is the issue. Just now I have just downloaded DOMs trial and will test it. I also will watch this thread with interest. Thanks again Ron, DOM and everyone.
  4. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum Crickets, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. Save the file in the same folder as the PTE installation with the extension .KEY and try that.
  5. Nice, maybe a little too long. Images were a little small, especially considering the subject, (those balloons are BIG). Opening title well done. Section on the ground with Swan Lake music track the better of the two sections. The transition between the two music tracks was a little sudden and didn't match the slower transition between the slides at the same time. Good images. Thanks for the show Barry and Carol.
  6. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum MrBibbs, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. I would suggest you now download Lin and Jeff's excellent "PTE USER GUIDE" PDF document, which you will find under the Tutorial section of the forum. It will answer all/most of your questions and save you hours. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7202
  7. Thanks for the A-V Bob I found it enjoyable to see a world very different from where I live and a winter that we don't experience here. You have a good eye for the beauty in the world of nature. A few comments follow: The title was not jerky on my PC and I like the boardwalk opening shot, perhaps it could be redone by superimposing the words on the boardwalk, (fading in and/or out). I loved the "animated" standing wave in the river, one of the highlights of the show, please don't remove it. Maybe the ice animation could be shortened but it is quite effective and I think you achieved your aim of the ice/water surface "flotation". Perhaps placing it in a different point in the show may ease some criticism. As for the "redundant or not as good as the others" comment, while the subject matter was good, reluctantly I must agree several images were a little less than technically correct and let the rest down. Nice effect with the footprints in the snow at the end. Thanks for sharing Bob and I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.
  8. Barry I always download your shows with the anticipation of a very good A-V and this time as usual I was not disappointed. This show went beyond your always high standard and in fact I would say this is one of your best. Beautiful images, well handled with the arty effects and occasional B&W and inferred effect, not overdone, just right. A good choice of music, timing and length of show spot-on. Only a small thing but I must agree with Bernard, the images appeared a little small on my screen. Thanks Barry and Carol for posting.
  9. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum xahu34, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. My sister runs a similar PC, (Athlon64 X2 5000, 1 GB RAM, XP Pro), with the same video card as you are using and has had no problems with PTE with many complex O&A functions. I'm not sure what screen resolution she is running but it is quite high.
  10. I am also very happy to see this function restored as I have used it in the past and have a use for it again at present. However I agree with DEN this is still not the full function if we don't have the transitions preserved.
  11. What a great idea/addition to PTE Igor. I'm sure this will prevent a lot of problems new users have.
  12. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum Valerie, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. I have seen this in shows created with PTE before v4.48 and a few in v4.48. But this has not been observed at all in PTE v5.xx. What level of PCs are being used?
  13. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum Brit Chick, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. You have the correct button, check you have a DVD in your DVD Burner. Also create a .exe file before you go to the DVD burning process and save your work to a template or create backup in ZIP.
  14. I also do exactly as Ray has done in Vegas and have had the same very good results.
  15. I second Marys' sentiments, thanks Igor.
  16. This is a very interesting "undocumented function" of Audacity. On trying it I get varied results. Several show .exe files I have created using .wav files only give me a short burst of noise. Other shows work as indicated but I'm not sure what type of sound file was used, (to long ago for an oldie to remember, I think mp3). Yet others will close Audacity with the error message "Runtime error -- path to audacity.exe shown -- abnormal program termination".
  17. Welcome back Rob. The create template function, (in PTE v4.48 and v5.x), will give you the result you wish and now in PTE v5.x you also have backup to ZIP as stated above.
  18. Ray, Mediafire has worked well for me. Link here: http://www.mediafire.com/ You can post any file up to 100Mb and as many as you like for free. Just check you give out the correct link for the file/show you store there.
  19. Glad to hear you are on your way and the first problem has been solved Ray. I would suggest you now download Lin and Jeff's excellent "PTE USER GUIDE" PDF document, which you will find under the Tutorial section of the forum. It will answer most of your questions and save you hours.
  20. jfa

    Lost image

    Good advice from Ken above yguy. The best way to do this is to regularly save your project as a Template, (see File>Templates>Create Template for This Show or use <CTRL>+T), or in PTE v5.x you can use File>Create Backup in ZIP to achieve a folder of all image and sound files used in the project. Then if you move/loose a file you have a copy where you can easily find it.
  21. Also Ray what type of image files are you using? JPEG, BMP, etc.
  22. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum Ray, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. I too tried to recreate your problem and found, as Peter did, that all would work as required. Several questions and observations--- What effects/transitions are you using? Have you changed any other settings in either Project Options or Customise Slide? Are you using any O&A settings? If the Use Customise settings For This Slide box is checked or not the timing appears to work for each individual slide when changed from the project timing. When this check box is selected, then on revisiting the Customise Slide window this box is shown unchecked, (reset). This is something I have not noticed before maybe someone else can explain this, I would expect it to remain checked. When in Project Options if you click on the Set For Existing Slides button this will change all the slide timing to that set here. So if you do this after setting timing on individual slides it will be reset on them to this value.
  23. As a general practise, yes.
  24. Welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum JBB, you will find lots of friendly help and advice here. Try Project Options > Music tab here you should have an entry of your .wav file. Click on the clear button then OK to remove it. It's my understanding that PTE currently only displays sound files added in the Project Options > Music tab in the timeline. You will find Lin and Jeff's excellent PDF USER GUIDE very useful if you haven't already had a look at it. You can find it under the Tutorial section of the forum. Reading it will save you hours.
  25. Kevin, I have made all my conversions to JPEG for PTE in photoshop, (after all other editing has been done), by resizing to 1024x768 and then saving as JPEG with a quality level of 8. This has provided a high level of quality and small files. If you have a large number of images to convert the batch process in photoshop can be very helpful for this. Regarding the exif information this will be retained with the original image. It is good policy to always use a copy of your image for PTE for this and many other reasons.
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