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Everything posted by jfa

  1. I will get the ball rolling with the two that fit the criteria for me. Topaz Photoshop Bundle http://www.topazlabs.com/bundle/ Portrait Professional http://www.portraitprofessional.com/
  2. In a discussion in another thread the subject of Photoshop plug-ins came up and made me wonder which ones do people find useful. So could you share with us which ones that you use regularly and find most useful. The key words are regular and useful. Links to their site would also be appreciated, thanks.
  3. Peter I tried Lightroom several years ago and found it did not do some things I wanted and like others have said I just could not adjust to the restricted work-flow it required. You need to try it for yourself to see if it suites you but it is not for me. Using RAW to shot your images is by far the best way if you are serious about processing/improving your images, and arn't we all. Like you I started in JPEG many years ago and was reluctant to go to RAW when it first arrived but after a lot of testing and comparing I could see there was a large improvement in the final result and I still had the original unmodified data to go back to if required. The advice from previous posts is very valid, get to know a program that gives you the results you want in the manner you want and stick with it. Photoshop with a few plug-ins, Adobe Camera RAW and Bridge do this for me. I assume you are not getting the results from PS Elements that you want and this is why you are looking elsewhere, good luck.
  4. Colin Another well made show with amazing images. Reminds us of the power of mother nature which makes us humans and anything we do look rather insignificant.
  5. Colin Enjoyed your presentation. Wonderful images of a great human endeavour, I hope that it will continue in the future with all the troubles, (financial, political etc) that are plaguing the program.
  6. I posted this on the other thread before I saw this one, your original so am reposting in-case the other is removed.
  7. Colin Enjoyed the AV you have a good eye for detail. Hope the leg is OK.
  8. Colin Thanks for the show, you have some good images. I am sure I will enjoy the event on the TV more after seeing your AV.
  9. Davy I finally got around to viewing your AV and I am glad I did. Very moody, emotional show with some wonderful matching of the images. Another very high standard show, just what we have come to expect from you. Thanks.
  10. James Oh Yeeeeeer!!! You break many of the rules but I don't care!!!! Great show, one of the best for sometime. You haven't forgotten much since v3. Great images matched with a good choice of music, creative use of the PZR functions and very original production. Loved the bonus afterburners I wanted more and you delivered. Tried to photograph these on several occasions at air shows and it ain't easy, you have some excellent images. Thanks and looking forward to more from you. Runs well and looks great on my 1920x1080 Win7 Pro 64bit PC. Off now to have another look at your AV.
  11. Jean What a wonderful presentation. As a technical exercise stunning and surpasses anything I thought possible with PTE, you have pushed the program to a new high.
  12. Andrew Enjoyed the AV very much. Using the textured neutral gray background worked well, the rotation helped keep the presentation interesting and the music was spot-on. Also I think the wide format also matched the looooooong cars. As a bit of a petrol head I could look at images of old cars any time. Like some here I was a little doubtful at first but now I am finding AVs do look better in 16x9 or 16x10 format, (this one certainly did), and think my future AVs will be in that format. Ken What a great collection of old Classic American Car images, thanks for making them available for us all to see.
  13. Maureen I have watched your trilogy on the Pyrenees enjoying each one more and more, I think you saved the best until the last. All were wonderful but number 3 is superb. IMHO there have been many great AVs posted here and on Beechbrook over the years some equal to but none better than this one. The wide screen really does suit this type of AV and the slightly longer timing also works to the AVs benefit but the key is the great images, some thoughtful third images and the perfectly matched music. Thanks very much for sharing.
  14. Joe Welcome to PTE v6.x. Just tested and this works -- Select the slide in the slide line across the bottom of the screen that you wish to add the comment to then use the comment field above left of the preview window to add your comment and if you need to edit it, (change text size, colour, position and so on), go to the O&A screen. The comments tab in project options sets the default for the project on the comments field. If this fails to work I can only suggest you try again when you get the key.
  15. P.S. Loved the nudes.
  16. Davy Have now viewed your pleasant AV and agree with the version of La Mer you used. It was more suited to the images and presentation style than the piece by Debussy. I had heard the song before but was unfamiliar with it's title, love it when I learn something. As you haven't put your name on the AV as the photographer I agree with Ken it is of no matter who's images they are. However I think it would be useful to state where the images came from in general and that you did the production. IMHO. Keep them coming.
  17. Davy Just a quick comment while I wait for your AV to download, (have a slow connection here in the back blocks). La Mer is the title of one of my all-time favourite pieces of orchestral composition by the French impressionist composer Claude Debussy. In fact in the old days of multi projector slide/tape AVs I made a show on the Tasmanian Wilderness to this music. Read about the music here-- http://blogs.princet...sys_la_mer.html When I saw the title of your show I was excited but then found the music you have used with the same title was unfamiliar to me so I am looking forward to your AV very much.
  18. Wonderful news Igor as always you have surpassed all our expectations. Like others I can't wait to help with the beta testing of the new and exciting version. A big thank-you for the sound functions.
  19. Loved it!! What a doll. Thanks.
  20. Andrew Finally got the time to view your AV, in a word Great!! The only point I would make has already been made by Peter regarding the music. As a bit of a history buff WW2 holds a particular interest to me so I enjoyed the posters very much and am very envious of you with an attic full of them. Would have loved to see some from Japan and of course my home Australia but you probably have not got them. Art in its many forms can be very informative about a particular time in history that it came from and the art of the poster maker is a good example of this. The styles of each country are quite unique and reflect the roll each played. Thank-you very much for this show, it is a keeper for me.
  21. Try the file hosting site Mediafire Jose. They offer a free file hosting service for any files smaller than 100Mg here-- http://www.mediafire.com/
  22. You have my support on this one too Ken. On more than one occasion I have been frustrated by the current font setup in the O&A area.
  23. Great art-work David, a very enjoyable AV. Maybe just a tad too long but I still enjoyed it a lot. You must have spent quite a few hours working on it. For a first very well done looking forward to seeing more from you.
  24. Thanks for the exe file Chris. As a lover of trains particularly old steamers I could have looked at a lot more images particularly when they are as well presented as yours. From an AV point of view the ending could be a little neater, maybe an ending credit slide. With regard to the frame I found the very small white boarder worked well it stopped the image bleeding off into the black background. On the last image the white frame disappears this may have been missed by you as IMHO when an AV starts with a frame such as this it should be maintained through-out the entire AV. Using the wooden waggon as a background also worked well and for some images it also provided a very good boarder effect. All up the frames worked very well for me. Got any more trains Chris? I would love to see them.
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